
Night After Night / Ike Yard (1981)

Night After Night / Ike Yard (1981)
TWI 039

Label: Les Disques Du Crépuscule (Belgium)
Catalog#: TWI 039
Format: Vinyl, 12"

Credits: Stuart Abright / Percussion, Synth, Voice Kenny Compton / Bass, Voice Michael Diekmann / Guitar Fred Szymanski / Synth, Electronic Percussion
Production / Ike Yard Engineer / Greg Curry Recording and Mix / Sorcerer Sound, NYC.

A1: Night After Night
A2: Sense Of Male
A3: Infra-ton
B1: Motiv
B2: Cherish

当時の印象はソリッドなSection 25A Factory SampleNo New Yorkリリースが1978年。彼らがFactoryの影響を受けていた事は間違いない。今聴くと、初期ACRも連想させる丑三つ時の地下風景。


The Together Mix / Vini Reilly (1991)

The Together Mix / Vini Reilly (1991)
FAC 284

Label: Factory Records (UK)
Catalog#: FAC 284
Format: Vinyl, 12"

Credits: Design by 8vo

Contains insert with painting and note "For John and Emma". John (Jonathon Donaghy) was the best mate of Suddi Raval and Emma, his girlfriend did some backing vocals but they both died in a car accident before completion of the release.

A1: The Together Mix / Remix - Together (Jonathon Donaghy & Suddi Raval)
B1: Contra-Indications (Album Version) / Computed and Engineered by Andy Robinson
B2: Fridays (Up-Person Mix) / Mix - Vini Reilly and Paul Miller

The Durutti Columnではなく、Vini Reillyでの12"シングル。当然1stやBrian Enoもお気に入りの"LC"には及ばないが、コレもなかなか。上記Notesの悲しい出来事をあえて払拭するような清々しさ。


Ninotchka / Tuxedomoon (1982)

Ninotchka / Tuxedomoon (1982) TWI 055

Label: Les Disques Du Crepuscule (Belgium)
Catalog#: TWI 055
Format: Vinyl, 12"

Because she's just danced a ballet scored by Maurice Bejart with original music by Tuxedomoon 'Ninotchka'.

Excerpt of the ballet 'DIVINE' directly inspired by the action and conduct of Greta Garbo.
Miss Garbo, a swedish beauty who reached Hollwood september 1925 via the director Moje Stiller. From 'Torrent' to 'Ninotchka', crossing over nearly two decades, her strange 'inner' appeal has been perfectly captured on screen for MGM by the most famous film derectors. Ernst Lubitsch's Ninotchka, a sparkling cocktail of sex, society and politics was her next to last performance. In 1941, MGM released 'The Two Faced Woman' featuring a piquant Garbo absorbed by a more 'sensoriel' lifestyle. The premiere hit New york one month after Pearl Harbor. Greta, overwhelmed by the disastrous reception, vanished for ever.

Written, Arranged and Produced by Tuxedomoon.
Cover art by Hannebert.

Factory Records & Peter Saville。Crepuscule & Benoît Hennebert。

Jungle's EP / Jungle's (1981)

Jungle's EP / Jungle's (1981)

Label: City Rocker Records (Japan)

Catalog#: CR-001

Format: Vinyl, 7" EP

Credits: Ryo Kawada / Guitar, Voice Hiroshi Ide / Bass, Kiyoshi Nakamura / Drums Ami / Back Voice

Producer / Micky Moriwaki & Jungle's, Sound Cordinater / Momoyo, Recording Engineer / Yasushi Konishi, Recording @ Mod-Studio, June 1981 Photo / Yuichi Jibiki

A1: Break Bottle

A2: Countries

B1: Jungle Beat




Gravest Hits / The Cramps(1979)

Gravest Hits / The Cramps(1979)

Label: Illegal Records(US)
Catalog#: SP 501
Format: Vinyl, 12", EP

Credits: Producer - Alex Chilton
Drums - Nick Knox
Guitar - Bryan Gregory , Poison Ivy
Vocals - Lux Interior

A1: Human Fly
A2: The Way I Walk
A3: Domino
B1: Surfin' Bird
B2: Lonesome Town

デビューEP。「Human Fly」の素晴らしさは言うまでもないが、5曲中4曲を占めるカバーにこそ素晴らしさがある。ここにはリスペクトを越えた愛と真実が今も存在している。プロデュースはAlex Chilton意外には考えられない。オレは決してコアなファンではなかったが、彼がこの世界から旅立って本当に悲しい。訃報から少し時間が経ったが、彼らの原点であるこのEPをどうしても聴いてもらいたい。
Lux Interior - 2009.2.4没 享年62歳 合掌。


Discreet Campaigns / Various (1985)

Discreet Campaigns / Various (1985)

Label: Rorschach Testing Product (UK)
Catalog#: ROR 1
Format: Cassette

Credits: Artwork - Mick Lowe, Typesetting - Beds Graphics
Engineer - Ian Trundle, Jo King
Photography - Bunger, Chris Craske, Jeff Veitch, John Walters, Mick Lowe, Richard Mann

Notes: Engineered at Sin City, Nottingham
Presented in clear vinyl pouch with 20 page booklet profiling each artist.

Side A
01. The First Thing You Ever Said To Me (Edit) / John Marc Gowans
02. Stay / Eyeless In Gaza
03. This Heat / The Flamingos
04. Torn Calendar / The Wake
05. The Mentor Will Rise / Corpaelia
06. Pale Clouded White / Cocteau Twins
07. What's The World (Live) / James
08. James Is / The Decemberists
09. Bullet / Furniture
10. Echo Wreck / Dif Juz
11. The Faintest Sound / Kevin Mcdermott

Side B
01. Shiver / Chris & Cosey
02. End Users / Actors And Famous People
03. And With Disease (Live) /Resistance
04. Return To Activity / John Marc Gowans
05. Weakness And Fever / The Durutti Column
06. Optimism (Electro Version) /Life
07. Everybody Has Bad Dreams / Spiral Staircase
08. Preface And Hostilities / Ganzheit
09. Sunrise (Instrumental Rough Mix) /New Order

*Side A: 04 and Side B: 07 was damaged.

美麗なパッケージを施されたNew WaveあるいはPost Punkなコンピレーション。
しかし、微妙に豪華なこの面子。何曲かはCD化済みだが、James、New Orderは未発表。その他コレでしか知らないアーティストのイイ曲もあったりする。結構なボリュームなので、AB面を分けてアップ。

Mittnacht Bahnhof Cafe Nostalgia / Wire (1979)

Mittnacht Bahnhof Cafe Nostalgia / Wire (1979)

Label: Democrazy Records (Germany)
Catalog#: DR 006
Format: Vinyl, LP (Bootleg)

Notes: Recorded live Hull Tiffanys July 3rd, 1979
Dedicated To Franz Kafka

Sleeve design are printed on the sleeve of Boyd Rice's on Mute reprinted LP - Stumm 004

demo Side
A1: Go Ahead
A2: Ally In Exile
A3: Relationship
A4: Beeing Sucked In Again
A5: Safe Lorry
A6: Wanted To Go
A7: Midnight Bahnhof Cafe

B1: Underwater Experiences
B2: Blessed State
B3: Two People In A Room
B4: I Should Have Known Better
B5: A Question Of Degree
B6: Our Swimmer
B7: I Am The Fly
B8: Too Late



Les Nouvelles Musiques De Chambre 2 / Charles Hayward + Gigi Masin (1988)

Les Nouvelles Musiques De Chambre 2
/ Charles Hayward + Gigi Masin (1988)

Label: Sub Rosa (Belgium)
Catalog#: SUB 33019-27
Format: Vinyl, LP

Gigi Masin - Otto Prospettive Veneziane
A1: Waterland
A2: Clouds
A3: La Giara Di Gesturi
A4: Three Bridges
A5: The Song Of The Masked Man
A6: Underwords
A7: First Time Ruth Saw The Sea
A8: Goodbye Kisses

Charles Hayward - Thames Water Authority
B1: Thames Water Authority

リリースされてから21年間、このアルバムをメディアで見たことがないのが不思議だ。This Heat後も、力強い演奏と唄声が素晴らしいCharles Haywardだが、ここでは環境音などドローン中心のスタイル。特筆すべきはGigi Mason。涙が出るほど素晴らしい。


Untitled / This Heat + Albert Marcœur (1982)

Untitled / This Heat + Albert Marcœur (1982)

Label: Tago Mago (France)
Catalog#: Tago Mago 4753
Format: Cassette
(Limited edition of 1500 numbered copies. Cassette with booklet in plastic bag.)

Credits: Artwork - Chris Impens, Pascal Bussy, Charles Hayward (Drawings)
Albert Marcoeur Side: "Deux Lions Au Soleil" Extraits de la musique du film de Claude Faraldo, enregistrée à Hérouville (novembre et décembre 1979) par Laurent Thibault. (Mono recordings)
This Heat with Mario Boyer Diekuuroh Side: Camberwell, Cold Storage, and live. (Stereo recordings)

A: Deux Lions Au Soleil / Albert Marcœur (Mono)
B: Various Cassette Recordings, 1977-78. / This Heat with Mario Boyer Diekuuroh (Stereo)

仏Tago MagoよりThis HeatとAlbert Marcœurのスプリットカセットテープ。仏現代音楽では大御所のAlbert Marcœur。Frank Zappaテイストな彼だが、ここでは割とスタンダードなチェンバーミュージック。
This Heatは相変わらず最高だが、これはフォークロアそのものではないか。


Taiyo No Ohji / YBO² (1986)

太陽の皇子 (12")+ Dry Lungs (7" Flexi Disc)
/ YBO² (1986)

Label: Transrecords
Catalog#: TRANS 10, TRANS-SEP1
Format: Vinyl 12", 7" Flexi
Country: Japan (Tokyo)

Credits: Taiyo No Ohji
Bass, Voice, Mellotron - Masashi Kitamura
Drums, Voice - Tatsuya Yoshida
Guitar, Voice - K.K.Null
Engineer - Hidekazu Negishi, Hirofumi Sakai, Hironori Hohki, Carl Masuno

12" / Face1
1: 太陽の皇子

i) Here Comes The Sun, Here Comes The Flood ii) Horus* iii) On The Way To Heaven's Eye *作詞:深沢一夫/作曲:間宮芳生「太陽の王子・ホルスの大冒険」より

2: Why I......?

Face2: Amerika (Extented Long Playing)

7" Flexi / Dry Lungs

後に「ワイビーオーツー」と呼ぶようになった最強の布陣。欲を言えば線の細いVo.が惜しいが、北村の才能はそれを補って余りある。合掌。レザック紙に施された民族的デザインがイカス、彼岸のKing Crimsonを初回限定フレキシシングルと共に。


Read Only Memory / Chrome (1979)

Read Only Memory / Chrome (1979)

Label: Siren Records, Red Records (US)
Catalog#: DE·SEC·444, RS 12·002
Format: Vinyl, 12"

Credits: Produced by Damon Edge
Original Soundtrack from READ ONLY MEMORY
Manufactured and distributed by Red Records, London

A1: You Can't See Them - They Can't Touch You
A2: Inacontact
A3: Read Only Memory
B1: In Front Of The Crowd
B2: I Am The Jaw

Half Machine Lip Movesを超えるものは無いが、Alien Soundtracksとこのミニアルバムは素晴らしい。内容のみならずジャケット及びポスターまでもが、その幼稚な暴力に満ちあふれている。

Charmed To Meet You - New Works / Various (1984)

Charmed To Meet You - New Works
/ Various - Rough Trade Compilation (1984)

Label: Rough Trade Records, Earthworks (UK)
Catalog#: Non (Promotional)
Format: Cassette

Credits: Promotional Use Only, Not To Be Re-Sold.
Manufactured For Tokuma-Japan Corp.
Graphics - Martyn Lambert

Side One: Charmed To Meet You (Rough Trade)
01. Eat Y'Self Fitter / The Fall
02. Gimme The Car / Violent Femmes
03. Intro (Live In Poland, 1983) / James Bllod Ulmer
04. Piranhas (Jungle Tip) / Ivor Cutler
05. Joy's Address / Float Up C.P.
06. Holy Hymn / Una Baines
07. O.K. I'll Count To 8 / Ivor Cutler
08. Biko / Robert Wyatt
09. This liberal Love / Microdisney
10. Nobody's Scared / Vic Godard & The Subway Sect
11. Eat Y'Self Fitter / The Fall

Side Two: New Works (Earthworks)
01. Malako / Orchestre Virunga
02. Ndanzwa Ngoma Kurira / Thomas Mapfumo
03. The Best Ambiance / Bibi Den's Tshiba Yi
04. Akpethie Seller / A.B. Crentsil
05. Agbagu Logun / Shina Williams

当時、日本でRough Tradeの配給をしていた徳間ジャパンからの、国内向けプロモーションカセット。編集はRough Tradeだろう。
A面がRough Tradeから1983-84リリースされたものを中心に選曲、B面がEarthworksからアフリカンなコンピ。
何故か無かったことのようになっているRip Rig & Panic後のFloat Up C.P.、多分リリースされ無かったUna Baines(Blue Orchids)のソロアルバムからの曲、James Blood Ulmerの未発表ライヴ等、結構楽しめる。