
Dim Stars E.P. / Dim Stars (1992)

Dim Stars E.P. / Dim Stars (1992)

Label: Paperhouse Records (UK)
Catalog#: PAPER 015 T
Format: Vinyl, 12"(EP)

Bass, Vocals - Richard Hell
Drums, Vocals - Steve Shelley
Guitar, Vocals - Don Fleming, Thurston Moore
Artwork by - Raymond Pettibon

A1: The Plug
A2: Dim Star
B1: Christian Rat Attack
B2: You Gotta Lose

その昔は「すーぱーぐるーぷ」などと言われたものだが、昨今は聞かなくなって久しい。此れはどうなのかビミョーだが、中堅広告代理店のような場当たり的企画モノ感は否めず。B1の(おそらくThurston Mooreだろう)ギターと、風俗嬢にリアルなサイズ(おそらく日本人サイズだろう)の陰部を握られてるバットマンが格好良い。


Die Matrosen / Liliput (1980)

Die Matrosen / Liliput (1980)

Label: Rough Trade (UK)
Catalog#: RT 047
Format: Vinyl, 7"(Single)

A: Die Matrosen
B: Split


Ü / Kleenex (1978)

Ü / Kleenex (1978)

Label: Rough Trade (UK)
Catalog#: RT 014
Format: Vinyl, 7"(Single)

Produced by Kleenex, Special thanks to Mayo and Geoff
Recorded at Kingsway, Engineered by Bob Broglia
Sleeve by Peter Fischli

Notes: Comes in a folded 14" poster sleeve

Angry Side: Ü
Friendly Side: You

この後、リリースしたRough Tradeでの2枚目のシングル。以降はLiLiPUTに変名。


Dream Baby Dream / Suicide (1981)

Dream Baby Dream / Suicide (1981)

Label: Celluloid (France)
Catalog#: CEL 6590
Format: Vinyl, 12"(Single)

A: Dream Baby Dream (6:19)
B: Radiation (3:03)

美しい「Cheree」、凄惨な「Frankie Teardrop」に次いで、オレが愛する一曲。スタジオ版はこれのみ。卓球は流石。

Cheree / Suicide (1998)

Cheree / Suicide (1998)

Label: Blast First (UK)
Catalog#: BFFP 115
Format: Vinyl, 12"(EP)

Notes: "Harlem" and "I Remember" recorded live at CBGB's in 1978.

A: Cheree (Remix)
B1: Harlem (Live At CBGB's)
B2: I Remember (Live At CBGB's)


Heroes / Nico (1983)

Heroes / Nico (1983)

Label: Aura Records (UK)
Catalog#: AUS 137
Format: Vinyl, 7"(Single)

Credits: Produced by Philippe Quilichini

A: Heroes
B: One More Chance

81年リリース「Drama of Exile」の再発時のシングル。
「Heroes」のカバーは、Blondieの12"「Atomic」B面でのライヴでRobert Fripp参加のものが最も良い。

Work / Blue Orchids (1981)

Work / Blue Orchids (1981)

Label: Rough Trade (UK)
Catalog#: RT 067
Format: Vinyl, 7"(Single)

Production - Geoff Travis, Mayo Thompson, Blue Orchids
Engineer - Adam
Recorded - Berry St Studios (18.12.80)

A: Work
B: House That Faded Out

何故か同郷の「The Fall」を連想させる味わい、だと思ったらMartin Bramahhaは初期メンバー。82年リリースの1st Albumがバカ売れしたのに、その後何故か、あのNICOのツアーでのバックを勤めることになる。


The Flood / Blue Orchids (1980)

The Flood / Blue Orchids (1980)

Label: Rough Trade (UK)
Catalog#: RT 065
Format: Vinyl, 7" (Single)

Recorded - Cargo Studios. Rochdale. 30/8/80.
Production - Blue Orchids, Geoff Travis, Mayo Thompson
Engineer - John Brierley

Guitar - Rick Goldstraw
Guitar, Vocals - Martin Bramah
Keyboards, Vocals - Una Baines
Bass - Steve Toyne
Drums - Joe Kin

A: The Flood
B: Disney Boys

At Last I Am Free / Robert Wyatt (1980)

At Last I Am Free / Robert Wyatt (1980)

Label: Rough Trade (UK)
Catalog#: RT 052
Format: Vinyl, 7" (Single)

A: At Last I Am Free - Written by Edwards, Rodgers
B: Strange Fruit - Written by Lewis Allan



Zip Nolan / Cult Figures (1979)

Zip Nolan / Cult Figures (1979)

Label: Rather Records, Rough Trade (UK)
Catalog#: gear four, RT 020
Format: Vinyl, 7"(EP)

Credits: Produced by Swell Maps
"This wonderful record was recorded at wmrs studio, Leamington Spa on the 29 of december 1978. It was produced by the very gear Swell Maps without whom this disc would never have been possible. Any rumours that Marv, Joe, Barry & Howie are in fact Swell Maps are vicious and slanderous."

A1: Zip Nolan
B1: P.W.T.
B2: Zip Dub

何を思ったのか、Swell Mapsの変名バンド。節操が無く、巫山戯過ぎと言っても良い。サイコーである。


Swell Maps / Loin Of The Surf (1979)

Swell Maps / Loin Of The Surf (1979)
Label: Rough Trade, Rather Records (UK)
Catalog#: ROUGH 2, gear five
Format: Vinyl, 7" (EP)

Credits: Written by Phones B. Sportsman
Notes: Free 7"EP with "A Trip To Marineville" LP on Rough Trade.

A1: Loin Of The Surf (2:14) Written by Jowe Head
A2: Doctor At Cake (2:05) Written by Biggles Books, Epic Soundtracks, Golden Cockrill
B1: Steven Does (1:45) Written by Nikki Sudden
B2: Bronze & Baby Shoes (3:43) Written by Jowe Head

Rough Trade でのLP "A Trip To Marineville" (ROUGH 2)付属のおまけ。


The Monochrome Set / The Monochrome Set (1979)

The Monochrome Set / The Monochrome Set (1979)

Label: Rough Trade (UK)
Catalog#: RT 028
Format: Vinyl, 7"(Single)

Produced by The Monochrome Set
Engineer - Adam Kidron

A: The Monochrome Set
B: Mr. Bizarro


Eine Symphonie Des Grauens / The Monochrome Set (1979)

Eine Symphonie Des Grauens / The Monochrome Set (1979)

Label: Rough Trade (UK)
Catalog#: RT 019
Format: Vinyl, 7"(Single)

Lead Guitar, Backing Vocals - Lester Square
Guitar, Vocals - Bid
Drums - J.D. Haney
Bass, Percussion - Jeremy Harrington

Produced by The Monochrome Set
Enginnered by Dave Hunt

A: Eine Symphonie Des Grauens
B: Lester Leaps In

映画「吸血鬼ノスフェラートゥ(1924年)」から採られたであろうタイトル「恐怖のシンフォニー」。「He's Frank」と並んでベストシングル。


Fairytale In The Supermarket / The Raincoats (1979)

Fairytale In The Supermarket / The Raincoats (1979)

Label: Rough Trade (UK)
Catalog#: RT 013
Format: Vinyl, 7"(EP)

Credits: Produceed by Mayo Thompson, Geoff Travis

A: Fairytale In The Supermarket
B1: In Love
B2: Adventure Close To Home

Punkのキーワードの中で、重要なのが D.I.Y. - Do It Your Self。
Nirvana以降のアメリカでのPunk、そしてそれに追従するニッポンのそれは、此処がごっそりと抜け落ちている為、もはや音楽以下である。他者への依存無しで「表現」を自らの手で作り、自らが責任をとる。この当たり前の事を、オレは大人では無く音楽ごときに教えられた。それにしてもこのジャケット。ガリ版刷りかと今でも思う。手垢も印刷するなど有り得ない辺りも素晴らしい、The Raincoatsの傑作シングル。

Hedi's Head / Kleenex (1978)

Hedi's Head / Kleenex (1978)

Label: Rough Trade (UK)
Catalog#: RT 009
Format: Vinyl, 7"(Single)

Credits: Produced by E.Conod, Kleenex, BAHP
Recorded at Sunrise Studios, 9533 Kirchberg CH

Gitarre - Marlene Marder, Drums - Lislot Ha, Bass and Vocal - Klaudia Schiff, Vocal - Regula Sing
Notes: 14" poster sleeve

A: Hedi's Head
B: Ain't You

Kleenex名義ではRough Tradeから7" Singleを2枚のみリリース。

5.21 - Five To One (with Grim Skip) / EP-4 (1983)



Paris Maquis / Metal Urbain (1977)

Paris Maquis / Metal Urbain (1977)

Label: Rough Trade (UK)
Catalog#: RT 001
Format: Vinyl, 7" (Single)

Credits: Produced by Metal Urbain & Ross Gighton for Rough Trade

A: Paris Maquis
B: Cle De Contact

Rough Tradeの記念すべきファーストリリースは、Metal Boys、Doctor Mix And The Remixこと、仏のPunk Band、Metal Urbain。リズムボックス&ギターのみで何故こんなにも格好良いのか。Rough TradeカタログNo.100以内のシングルは全て必聴。

Sweet Marylin / Metal Boys (1979)

Sweet Marylin / Metal Boys (1979)

Label: Rough Trade (UK)
Catalog#: RT 016
Format: Vinyl, 7" (Single)

Credits: Produced by Eric Debris for Byzance

A: Sweet Marylin
B: Fugue For A Darkening Island