
Subterranean Modern / Various (1979)

Subterranean Modern / Various (1979)

Label: Ralph Records (US)
Catalog#: SM7908
Format: Vinyl, LP

Credits: Cover art by Gary Panter

A1: Chrome - Anti-Fade
A2: Chrome - I Left My Heart In San Francisco
A3: Chrome - Meet You In The Subway
A4: MX-80 Sound - Lady In Pain
A5: MX-80 Sound - I Left My Heart In San Francisco
A6: MX-80 Sound - Possessed

B1: The Residents - I Left My Heart In San Francisco
B2: The Residents - Dumbo The Clown (Who Loved Christmas)
B3: The Residents - Is He Really Bringing Up Roses (The Replacement)
B4: The Residents - Time's Up
B5: Tuxedomoon - I Left My Heart In San Francisco
B6: Tuxedomoon - Everything You Want
B7: Tuxedomoon - Waterfront Seat

San Francisco にある Ralph Records のコンピ。各バンドがあのご当地ソングを収録。CD発売を切に望む。出来ればデラックス版で。


Perspectives and Distortion / Various (1981)

Perspectives and Distortion / Various (1981)

Label: Cherry Red (UK)
Catalog#: BRED 15
Format: Vinyl, LP

Compiled by Mike Alway
Cover Design by Nicola Gerry
Mastered by Kevin Metcalfe at Utopia Studios

A1: Claire Thomas And Susan Vezey - Bright Waves
A2: Matt Johnson - What Stanley Saw
A3: Virgin Prunes - Third Secret
A4: Lol Coxhill - The Calm...
A5: Lemon Kittens - …In Wooden Brackets
A6: Eyeless In Gaza - You Frighten
A7: Kevin Coyne - Hello Judas
A8: Mark Perry - Dear, Dear

B1: Ben Watt - Departure
B2: Two Daughters - Return Call/We Are
B3: Kevin Harrison - People In Space
B4: Thomas Leer - Kings Of Sham
B5: Five Or Six - Folded
B6: Morgan Fisher - Foreign Correspondent
B7: Robert Fripp - Remorse Of Conscience
B8: A Tent - No Way Of Knowing
B9: David Jackman - Untitled

此のレコードは正真正銘の同時代性音楽であった。思えば Punk の精神性を日本で共有するには、少なくとも2年のタイムラグがあったし、輸入盤屋か、雑誌か、もしくはFM(坂本龍一と渋谷陽一)でしか情報は無く、しかも友人はハードロックを聴いていた。そんな状況で此れを新譜で購入して驚いたのは、当時自分が社会の中で強く感じていた事がそのまま『音』になっていた事だった。Cherry Red はPunk初期に Business Unusual (1978) 、そして本アルバム後には Pillows & Prayers (1982) と、時代性と即効性を併せ持つ優れたコンピレーションを多数リリースしているので、是非聴いてほしい。余談だが本アルバムもまた Brian Eno からの影響も少なくないだろう。


Funky Alternatives / Various (1987)

Funky Alternatives / Various (1987)

Label: Concrete Productions (UK)
Catalog#: CPRODLP 001
Format: Vinyl, LP

`Brothers can be brothers in spirit other that brothers in color. We proved that soul is everybody` James Brown

A1: 23 Skidoo - Shugyosha Step
Cut & Spliced by JT
A2: Tackhead Featuring DJ Cheese - King Of The Beat (Remix)
A3: New Order - Evil Dust (Exclusive Remix)
A4: 400 Blows - Needle Time (Throwdown Mix)
A5: Cultural Thugs - Christians To The Lions
B1: D.A.F. - Brothers (Gabi's Mix)
B2: Colourbox - Manic (Instrumental Mix)
Specially Remixed by 400 Blows
B3: Chris & Cosey - October (Love Song) '86 Version
B4: Empty Quarter - Crucial Lover
B5: Nocturnal Emissions - No Separation (Separated Mix)
Specially Remixed by 400 Blows


400 Blows のレーベル "Concrete Production" からシリーズ第1弾。確認したところでは Vol.8 まで概発。1980年リリースの James Brown "Soul Syndrome" のジャケットから抜粋された文句が微笑ましい。当時 Colorbox がお気に入りだったのと、New Order の未発表曲で購入。


SST Acoustic / Various (1991)

SST Acoustic / Various (1991)

Label: SST Records (US)
Catalog#: SST 276
Format: Vinyl, LP

A1: Roger Manning - The Sicilian Train Blues
A2: Brian Ritchie - No Resistin' A Christian
A3: The Last - Awakening
A4: Minutemen - Stories
A5: Grant Hart - The Main
A6: Tom Troccoli's Dog - Orcanese Farethewell
A7: Screaming Trees - Yard Trip #7
B1: fIREHOSE - In Memory Of Elizabeth Cotton
B2: Negativland - Nesbitt's Lime Soda Song
B3: Saccharine Trust - Belonging To October
B4: Kirk Kelly - Go Man Go
B5: Angst - Colors
B6: Hüsker Dü - Never Talking To You Again
B7: Dinosaur Jr. - Poledo




Partyline / Stockholm Monsters (1987)

Partyline / Stockholm Monsters (1987)

Label: Factory (UK)
Catalog#: FAC 146
Format: Vinyl, 12"(EP)

Produced by Be Music & Stockholm Monsters
Engineered by CJ, Shan
Recorded at Suite 16 Studios, Rochdale
Published by Corrupt Music
Design - Johnson/Panas-Manchester

Notes: Die-cut sleeve.

A: Partyline
B1: Militia
B2: Partylive

ラストシングル。前作のタイトルでふと考えたが、彼らが Rough Trade だったらもっと成長してた様に思う。

How Corrupt Is Rough Trade? / Stockholm Monsters (1985)

How Corrupt Is Rough Trade? / Stockholm Monsters (1985)

Label: Factory Benelux (Belgium)
Catalog#: FBN 46
Format: Vinyl, 12"(Single)

Produced by Be-Music
Recorded at Suite 16 Rochdale
Sleeve - TJ

A: How Corrupt Is Rough Trade?
B: Kan Kill!


Happy Ever After / Stockholm Monsters (1982)

Happy Ever After / Stockholm Monsters (1982)

Label: Factory (UK)
Catalog#: Fac 58
Format: Vinyl, 7"(Single)

This is a Factoy Record featuring two songs by
the Stockholm Monsters.
The first of these is "Happy Ever After" which is
followed by "Soft Babies" on Side B. They were
recorded at Strawberry Studios and Produced by Be-Music.
Both songs were written by the Stockholm Monsters
& published by East 61st Street. The sleeve was
designed by Mark Farrow & printed by James Upton.
The catalogue number is Fac 58.

A: Happy Ever After
B: Soft Babies

2nd シングル。彼らのレコードの殆どが Be-Music = New Order プロデュースだが、主に Peter Hook だったらしい。

Fairy Tales / Stockholm Monsters (1982)

Fairy Tales / Stockholm Monsters (1982)

Label: Factory (UK)
Catalog#: FAC 41
Format: Vinyl, 7"(Single) Green sleeve

A: Production - Martin Hannett
B: A B-Music Production
Songs by Stockholm Monsters
Konstverk - Mark Farrow

Housed in a green mock-leather sleeve.
Also available in purple.

A: Fairy Tales
B: Death Is Slowly Coming

彼らの 1st シングル。Side A は Martin Hannett による。ジャケットはレザック紙に金箔押し。パープルバージョンも。


Miss Moonlight / Stockholm Monsters (1983)

Miss Moonlight / Stockholm Monsters (1983)

Label: Factory Benelux (Belgium)
Catalog#: FBN19
Format: Vinyl, 12" (EP)

A Bemusic Production
Engineered by John Dixon
Sleeve by Mark Farrow and SM

A: Miss Moonlight
B1: The Longing
B2: Lafayette

David Bowie "Scary Monsters" から名前を採ったらしい、彼らの魅力はトランペット。曲も毎回アイデアに溢れていて、かつ柔軟な、非常に優れたバンドであった。


Four Songs / Kalima (1985)

Four Songs / Kalima (1985)

Label: Factory (UK)
Catalog#: Fac 127
Format: Vinyl, 12" (EP)

Recorded at Yellow 2, Manchester
February 1985
Producion - Kalima
Engineer - Tim Oliver

Painting - Clifford Saffer
Cover Photography - Marshall Walker
Band Photography - Graham Proudlove
Sleeve - Trevor Johnson

Piano - Andrew Connell
Percussion - Chris Hornerman
Vibes, Bass - Jeremy Kerr
Guitars - John Kirkham
Drums - Martin Moscrop
Voice, Lyric - Ann Quigley
Bass, Soprano Sax - Anthony Quigley
Tenor Sax - Clifford Saffer

Guest Musicians
Trumpet, Flugel horn - Andy Diagram
Trombone - Paul Latham

Song by Kalima
Published by Swamp Music

Manager - Nathan MaGough

West Side
1: Trickery
2: Land Of Dreams

East Side
1: Sparkle
2: So Sad

Sade を筆頭に「British Jazz Movement」とか言われていたのが、当時オレがこの手を正当に評価出来なかった理由。だが、Kalima だけは唯一 Factory なので聴いていた。特にこのEPは稚拙ながらも曲の良さとアンサンブルの妙で、20年以上経った現在も聴く回数が非常に多い。


The Smiling Hour / Kalima (1984)

The Smiling Hour / Kalima (1984)

Label: Factory (UK)
Catalog#: Fac 87
Format: Vinyl, 12" (Single)

Produced by Kalima

A: The Smiling Hour
Written by Aloysio De Oliveira, Ivan Lins, Victor Martins
Backing Vocals - The Jazz Defektors
B: Fly Away
Written by Kalima

Factory の先進性が際立った数多いバンドの中でも、特異なのが Kalima であろう。前身は Swamp Children で、Kalima のように明確に「Jazz」ではなかった。2枚の12"と1枚のLPをリリース後、Sarah Vaughan で有名な Side: A が素晴らしいこの12" Single にて Kalima に改名。A Certain Ratio でもプレイした、後に Swing Out Sister となる Andy Connell も参加していた。


Taste Whats Rhythm - Swamp Children (1982)

Taste Whats Rhythm - Swamp Children (1982)

Label: Factory Benelux (Belgium)
Catalog#: FBN 16
Format: Vinyl, 12" (EP)

Recorded at PLUTO Studios,
Manchester, March 1982
Engineerd by Phil Bush

A: Taste Whats Rhythm
B1: You've Got Me Beat
B2: Softly Saying Goodbye


Betty Boo And The Beatmasters (1990)

Hey DJ/I Can't Dance (To That Music You're Playing) / Betty Boo And The Beatmasters (1990)

Label: Sire Records Company (US)
Catalog#: 0-40025
Format: Vinyl, 12" (EP)

Produced by The Beatmasters (A1,A2,B1,B2)
Produced and Mixed by Betty Boo, King John (B3)
Mixed by Ricky Crespo
Programmed By - Alan Friedman

Design - Dirk Walter
Photo - George Holz

A1: Hey DJ/I Can't Dance (Lesson One Mix) 7:01
A2: Hey DJ/I Can't Dance (Rock Steady Dub) 7:07
B1: Hey DJ/I Can't Dance (Club House Mix) 7:37
B2: Hey DJ/I Can't Dance (Razormaid 12" Mix) 6:36
B3: Boo's Boogie 5:26



Doing It For The Kids / Various (1988)

Doing It For The Kids / Various (1988)

Label: Creation Records (UK)
Catalog#: CRELP 037
Format: Vinyl, 12"LP

An L.P. for the price of a 7" single

"This is a label of love.."
- Alan McGee. August.'88

A1: The Jasmine Minks - Cut Me Deep
A2: Felt - Ballad Of The Band
A3: The House Of Love - Christine
A4: The Weather Prophets - Well Done Sonny
A5: Primal Scream - All Fall Down
A6: Biff Bang Pow! - She Paints
A7: The Jazz Butcher
B1: Heidi Berry - North Shore Train
B2: Nikki Sudden - Death Is Hanging Over Me
B3: My Bloody Valentine - Cigarette In My Bed
B4: Pacific - Jetstream
B5: The Times - Godevil
B6: Momus - A Complete History Of Sexual Jealousy
B7: Emily - Reflect On Rye
B8: Razorcuts - Brighter Now


Anyone Can Make A Mistake / The Wedding Present (1987)

Anyone Can Make A Mistake
/ The Wedding Present (1987)

Label: Reception (UK)
Catalog#: REC006/12
Format: Vinyl, 12" (EP)

A1: Anyone Can Make A Mistake
B1: All About Eve
B2: Getting Nowhere Fast



Please Please Please / The Dream Academy (1985)

Please Please Please / The Dream Academy (1985)

Label: Blanco Y Negro (UK)
Catalog#: NEG 20
Format: Vinyl, 7" (Single)

Produced by David Gilmour and Nick Laird-Clowes
With George Nicholson (Side B)
Engineered by Andrew Jackson

A: Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want
Written by Marr, Morrissey
B: In Places On The Run

かなり売れた1st Single "Life In A Northern Town" に続く 2nd Single は The Smiths の名曲。2匹目のドジョウ狙いだとしてもイイ選曲。


You're No Good / E.S.G.(1981)

You're No Good / E.S.G.(1981)

Label: Factory (UK)
Catalog#: FAC 34
Format: Vinyl, 7" (EP)

Produced by Martin Hannett
at Eastern Artist Recording Studios, East Orange and Strawberry Studios Stockport
Illustration by T. J. Boulton
Design by Stephen H.

99 Records released the 7" tracks on a 12"
Side A plays 45 rpm , Side B plays 33 1/3 rpm

A: You're No Good 3:07
B1: U.F.O. 3:27
B2: Moody 2:43

Factory だが South Bronx 発の3姉妹バンド、 E.S.G.(Emerald, Sapphire & Gold) 。音を例えるなら、冷えたスイカ。


Night And Day / Everything But The Girl (1982)

Night And Day / Everything But The Girl (1982)

Label: Cherry Red (UK)
Catalog#: 12 Cherry 37
Format: Vinyl, 12"(EP)

A: Night And Day - Written by Cole Porter
B1: Feeling Dizzy - Written by Watt
B2: On My Mind - Written by Thorn

Post Punkから必然的に派生した、言わば Sex Pistols より重要な1枚。Folk Musicでは決してない。EBTGはCherry Red のアイデアから始まったバンドで、正確にはこの時点で各々がソロであった。
彼らとCherry Redがリリースした "Pillows and Prayers" がその後の音楽に与えた影響は少なくなく、現在のClub Musicへとリンクしていくことになる。なお「ネオアコ」は和製英語。


I Get Along Without You Very Well / Durutti Column (1983)

I Get Along Without You Very Well
/ Durutti Column (1983)

Label: Factory (UK)
Catalog#: Fac 64
Format: Vinyl, 7" (Single)

Side A: Written by Hoagy Carmichael
Arranged by Vini Rielly and Lindsay Wilson
Side AA: Written by Vini Rielly
Cor Anglais - Maunagh Fleming
Produced by B-Music at Revolution Studios, Manchester
Sleeve Design by Mark Farrow
Printed by Garrod & Lofthouse

Uncredited Vocals - Lindsay Wilson
Lindsay Wilson is the ex-wife of the late Tony Wilson.

A: I Get Along Without You Very Well
AA: Prayer


Deutscher Girls / Adam & The Ants (1978)

Deutscher Girls / Adam & The Ants (1978)

Label: E'G Records (UK)
Catalog#: EGO 5
Format: Vinyl, 7" (Single)

Both tracks were taken from the soundtrack of the film "Jubilee"
Sleeve by Stylo Rouge

A: Deutscher Girls
B: Plastic Surgery

1977年Derek Jarman監督の「Jubilee」サントラからのシングル。
Brian Enoがフィルムスコア担当の好盤である。映画はまあまあ。当時のドキュメントとして見るのが妥当である。その後 Malcolm McLaren におもちゃにされる彼らの1stシングルでもある。


Live At West Runton Pavilion, 6-3-79 / Robert Rental & The Normal (1980)

Live At West Runton Pavilion, 6-3-79
/ Robert Rental & The Normal (1980)

Label: Rough Trade (UK)
Catalog#: ROUGH 17
Format: Vinyl, 12" (LP, Single Sided)

Notes: One-sided record

A: Live 25:07

A面のみに刻まれたハイヴォルテージ・エレクトロニクス。このCDを聴きたいが為に此れ」を買った。CDはライヴ終了後、会場に流れる The Who がカットされている。ってどうでもいいやん。でもえらくカッコイイやん。これこそ Rock and Roll やん。


Sex Machine / Crawling Chaos (1980)

Sex Machine / Crawling Chaos (1980)

Label: Factory (UK)
Catalog#: FAC 17
Format: Vinyl, 7" (Single)

Produced by Crawling Chaos
Sleeve by Sage and G+L

FAC 27: PETER SAVILLE / ROB GRETTON: "Sex Machine Alternative Sleeve"
An alternative sleeve for FAC 17, but never taken up.
FAC 159 states 'Cancelled Saville/Gretton revenge programme project for alternative FAC 17 sleeve. £200.00' (?)

A: Sex Machine
B: Berlin
