
Butcher Baby / Plasmatics (1980)

Butcher Baby / Plasmatics (1980)
Label: Stiff Records (UK)
Catalog#: BUY 76
Format: Vinyl, 7"(Single) Red & White Splotched

Produced by Jimmy Miller (A), Ed Stasium and Rod Swenson (B)
Engineer - Trevor Hallesy (A), Ed Stasium (B)

A: Butcher Baby (See Live)
B: Tite Black Pants (Live)

"Slipknot"登場の15年前、NYに現れたキワモノハードコア。マスクマンのツインギター、ベースはジャパニーズ(Wiki見てビックリ)。そしてチェーンソーでギターをぶった切る、乳首に絆創膏のヴォーカル「Wendy O Williams」。チョット火薬多くね?と車を爆破する派手なライヴはアメリカでしか有り得ん。此れは意外なStiff Recordsから、彼らのスプラッターな1st Single。Youtube見て思ったが、ギミックだけじゃ無いこの刹那なカンジ、最近居ないな。Wendyは1998年48歳で拳銃自殺らしい。


Handclappin' / Dub Narcotic Sound System (2003)

Handclappin' / Dub Narcotic Sound System (2003)
Label: K (US)
Catalog#: KLP 147
Format: Vinyl, 12"(Single)

A: Handclappin'
B: Mega-Clash Version

みんなのK Records。みんなのDub Narcotic。

Sabley Goodness / Dub Narcotic Sound System (2002)

Sabley Goodness / Dub Narcotic Sound System (2002)
Label: K (US)
Catalog#: DBN112
Format: Vinyl, 7"(Single)

Credits: (All Uncredited)
Bass - Chris Sutton
Drums - Heather Dunn (B)
Guitar - Calvin Johnson (A)
Melodica, Keyboards - Calvin Johnson (B)
Vocals, Percussion - Heather Dunn (A)
Recorded by Adam Forkner

Number 12 in the 'Dub Narcotic Disco Plate' series
Recorded at Dub Narcotic studio

A: Sabley Goodness
B: Petrolbzz Version

Shake-A-Puddin' / Dub Narcotic Sound System (1997)

Shake-A-Puddin' / Dub Narcotic Sound System (1997)
Label: K (US)
Catalog#: DBN107
Format: Vinyl, 7 (Single)

Credits: (All Uncredited)
Bass - Todd Ranslow
Drums - Larry Butler
Organ - Brian Weber
Voice - Calvin Johnson
Produced by Calvin Johnson

Number 7 in the 'Dub Narcotic Disco Plate' series
Recorded at Dub Narcotic studio

A: Shake-A-Puddin'
B: Version


U R My Intended / Make-Up (1998)

U R My Intended / Make-Up (1998)
Label: K (US)
Catalog#: IPU 86
Format: Vinyl, 7" (Single)

Credits: Produced by Brendan Canty
at Pirate Studio in Washington, D.C for DOD Productions
Recorded in Washington, D.C. 4 Gospedelic Ltd
This is the international pop underground Vol. LXXXVI

A: U R My Intended
B: The Choice

Ian Svenonious率いる"(The) Make Up "。現在は"Chain and The Gang"、以前は"Weird War", "(The) Make Up ", "Nation Of Ulysses"と彼のバンドは言葉が見つからない程どれも素晴らしい。もしかしてオレはFrank ZappaやPrinceよりも心酔しているのかも知れない。DVDもリリースしているがYoutubeにて見る事が出来る。Online TV"VBS.TV"にて「Soft Focus」というインタビュー番組を持っているが此れも必見。余談だがSide Aは彼らのアルバム"I Want Some"に「Walking On The Dune」として収録。

Fall On Me / R.E.M. (1986)

Fall On Me / R.E.M. (1986)
Label: I.R.S. Records (UK)
Catalog#: IRMT 121
Format: Vinyl, 12"(EP)

Produced by Don Gehman
recorded and Mixed by Greg Edward and Don Gehman
Additional Engineering: Ross Hogarth

A: Fall On Me
B1: Rotary Ten
B2: Toys In The Attic
Written by Joe Perry, Steven Tyler



Man Next Door / The Slits (1980)

Man Next Door / The Slits (1980)
Label: Y Records, Rough Trade (UK)
Catalog#: Y 4, RT 044
Format: Vinyl, 7"(Single)

Mixed by Adrian Sherwood, Adam Kidron, The Slits
Drummer - Cecil

A: Man Next Door  Written by John Holt
B: Man Next Door (Version)

Double Peel Sessions / Tne Slits (1989)

Double Peel Sessions / Tne Slits (1989)
Label: Strange Fruit (UK)
Catalog#: SFPMA 207
Format: Vinyl, 12"(EP)

Credits: Ari Up - Lead Vocals/Drums
Tessa - Bass/B.Vocals
Viv Albertine - Rhythm Guitar-B.Vocals
Palmolive - Drums/B.Vocals
Producer - Tony Wilson

Side A: Recorded: 19th Sept. 1977
First Tx: 27th Sept. 1977
Side B: Recorded: 17th April 1978
First Tx: 22nd May 1978

A1: Love And Romance
A2: Vindictive
A3: New Town
A4: Shoplifting
B1: So Tough
B2: Instant Hit
B3: FM


Ain't That Peculiar / Mari Wilson (1984)

Ain't That Peculiar / Mari Wilson (1984)
Label: Compact Records (UK)
Catalog#: PINKX 8
Format: Vinyl, 12"(EP)

A: Ain't That Peculiar
B1: The Maximum Damage
B2: Use Him

一度あきらめたけど、やっぱりCompact Records集めるかな。


The Peel Sessions / New Order (1986)

The Peel Sessions / New Order (1986)
Label: Strange Fruit (UK)
Catalog#: SFPS 001
Format: Vinyl, 12"(EP)

Produced by New Order
First transmission: 1st June 1982
These tracks are original recordings made for The John Peel Show on Radio One. 
Released with arrangement with BBC Records Ltd. 

A1: Turn The Heater On
Written by Keith Hudson
A2: We All Stand
B1: Too Late
B2: 5-8-6

恐らく此れが最初で最後であろうKeith HudsonのReggaeで始まり(Ian Curtis' favourite song)、ピアノが珍しい次曲と彼ららしからぬ1枚。加えてSide Bは一転してエレクトリックサウンドへ向かおうとしている彼らの姿が垣間みれて興味深い。B2 "5-8-6"は此れ此れを経てこのPeel Sessionで録音され、2nd Album収録のバージョンで完成となり、その後"Blue Monday"となる。このEPリリース後、人気を博したThe Peel Sessionシリーズの1枚目。

The Peel Sessions / Wire (1987)

The Peel Sessions / Wire (1987)
Label: Strange Fruit (UK)
Catalog#: SFPS 041
Format: Vinyl, 12"(EP)

Credits: Producer: Malcolm Brown
First Transmission: 31st January 1978

A1: Practice Makes Perfect
A2: I Am The Fly
B1: Culture Vultures
B2: 106 Beats That

Heroes (Live at The Hammersmith Odeon) / Blondie (1980)

Heroes (Live at The Hammersmith Odeon. January 12th. 1980) / Blondie (1980)
Label: Toshiba EMI (Japan)
Catalog#: BRP-1007
Format: Vinyl, 7"(Single)

Credits: Produced by Giorgio Moroder (A)
Notes: Robert Fripp - Guitar

A: Call Me (Spanish Version)
B: Heroes (Live at The Hammersmith Odeon. January 12th. 1980) 

実は此れ、Side AはGiorgio Moroderによる "Call Me"なのだが、オレとしてはSide BこそA面。Robert Frippが参加のライヴである。やはり此の曲には此のギターしか無い。日本盤「AutoAmerican」初回の付録で、このカップリングは他には存在しない。CDのベスト盤も同じ曲が入っているが、ライヴ終了後Deborah Harryの「Special Thanks, Mr.Robert Fripp!」が大人の事情からか削除されている。



Sanatorium / Gilles De Rais + Rakuen / Phaidia (1981)

Sanatorium / Gilles De Rais + 楽園 / Phaidia (1981)
Label: Marquee Moon (Japan)
Catalog#: M.M.0002
Format: 7" Flexi disc (Single), Square Shape

This flexi came with an issue of Japanese music magazine "Marquee Moon"

A: Sanatorium - Gilles De Rais
B: 楽園 - Phaidia

今はもう別物となった音楽雑誌「Marquee Moon」付属のスプリット・ソノシート。


Dry Dreams / The Jim Carroll Band (1982)

Dry Dreams / The Jim Carroll Band (1982)
Label: ATCO Records (US)
Catalog#: SD 38-145
Format: Vinyl, LP

Credits: Vocals - Jim Carroll
Drums - Wayne Woods, Bass - Steve Linsley
Guitar - Paul Sanchez, Guitar, Organ - Jon Tiven
Piano - Tom Canning, Violin - Walter Steding
Percussion - Sammy Figueroa, Synthesizer - Alan Lanier
Trumpet - Randy Brecker

Guitar on "Still Life" - Lenny Kaye
Produced by Earl McGrath
Engineer, Remix - Gene Paul, Assistant Engineer - Dan Nash
Recorded at Atalantic Studios, NYC 
Photos - Annie Leibovitz

A1: Work Not Play
A2: Dry Dreams
A3: Them
A4: Jealous Twin
A5: Lorraine
B1: Jody
B2: arricades
B3: Evangeline
B4: Rooms
B5: Still Life

1978年「THE BASKETBALL DIARIES」(邦題:マンハッタン少年日記)を刊行。バロウズやケルアックに絶賛される。(1995年にディカプリオ主演で映画化)

高校生時に何となく選んだ彼の詩集「夢うつつ」を買った時は、彼がレコードを出している事を知らず、その数年後にタワレコでカット盤を発見してちょっと驚いた。それがこの2ndで、「何となく良いなあ。」と時折思い出して聴いては、そのニューヨークらしいと感じる音が何故ニューヨークらしいと感じるのかを毎回考えてしまう。Elliott Murphy、Patti Smith、Lou Reed、Garland Jeffreys、etc…。先月の真夜中、眠れないので好きな映画「Smoke(1995年アメリカ)」を見ていると何故か彼の事を思い出したのでWikiを見たら昨年鬼籍に入っていた。マンハッタンの自宅で心不全らしい。「Smoke」はブルックリンの物語だが、何故このアルバムの音がニューヨークらしいと感じるのかはやっぱり分からない。それどころか、街の音とは一体何だろうと考え始めてしまった。


The Peel Sessions / Syd Barrett (1987)

The Peel Sessions / Syd Barrett (1987)
Label: Strange Fruit (UK)
Catalog#: SFPS 043
Format: Vinyl, 12"(EP)

Lin Up - Syd Barrett, David Gilmour, Jerry Shirley, 
Producer: John Walters
S.M.: Tony Wilson 
Recorded: 24 February 1970
First Trancemission: 14 March 1970

A1: Terrapin
A2: Gigolo Aunt
B1: Baby Lemonade
B2: Effervescing Elephant
B3: Two Of A Kind


The Peel Sessions / Robert Wyatt (1987)

The Peel Sessions / Robert Wyatt (1987)
Label: Strange Fruit (UK)
Catalog#: SFPS 037
Format: Vinyl, 12"(EP)

Producer: John Walters
Recorded: 10th September 1974
First Transmission: 26th September 1974
This is one of a sires original recordings made for The John Peel Show on Radio One.

A1: Soup Song Written by Brian Hopper, Robert Wyatt
A2: Alifib
B1: I'm A Believer Written by Neil Diamond
B2: Sea Song


A Factory Quartet / Various (1980)

A Factory Quartet / Various (1980) 
Label: Factory (UK)
Catalog#: FACT 24
Format: 2 x Vinyl, LP

Credits: Produce by Martin Hannett (A1-A4, D1-D6) 
Jake Milton (C1-C4)

Track A1 to A3 engineered at Strawberry Studios, Stockport. 
Track B1 to B3 were performed at Leeds University in May 1980 on the Sylvia Plath Comeback Tour, the rest at the Moonlight West Hamstead in April 1980. 
Track C1 to C4 produced at home. 
Job on track D1 to D6 carried out at Graveyard Prestwich and Strawberry, Stockport. 

"Polaroid-style" gatefold sleeve and inner sleeves. 

A1: The Durutti Column - For Mimi
A2: The Durutti Column - For Belgian Friends
A3: The Durutti Column - Self-portrait

B1: Kevin Hewick - Rubble
B2: Kevin Hewick - 1940
B3: Kevin Hewick - A Little Feeling
B4: Kevin Hewick - Forget
B5: Kevin Hewick - Morphia
Noise Generator by Peter Terel
B6: Kevin Hewick - The Enchanted Kiss
B7: Kevin Hewick - Haystack

C1: Blurt - Puppeteer
C2: Blurt - Dyslexia
C3: Blurt - Some Come
C4: Blurt - Benighted

D1: The Royal Family And The Poor - Dirge
D2: The Royal Family And The Poor - Vaneigem Mix
D3: The Royal Family And The Poor - Dirge
D4: The Royal Family And The Poor - Death Factory
D5: The Royal Family And The Poor - Dirge
D6: The Royal Family And The Poor - Rackets

恐らくThe Durutti Columnの公式ライブ音源としては最初のリリースではないだろうか。The Durutti Column以外のアーティストは此れ以前のリリースは無い。ほぼ無名なアーティストだけで2枚組とは今では到底考えられないが、音楽の知識も愛情も無い上に迎合する事しか能の無い音楽屋は、此のぐらいの気骨を持てよ。