
Crush The Flowers / The Wake (1989)

Crush The Flowers / The Wake (1989)
Label: Sarah Records (UK)
Catalog#: SARAH 21
Format: Vinyl, 7"(Single)

Produced by Duncan Cameron and The Wake
Original Photography by Akiko

A: Crush The Flowers
B: Carbrain


Something That No One Else Could Bring / The Wake (1987)

Something That No One Else Could Bring / The Wake (1987)
Label: Factory (UK)
Catalog#: Fac 178
Format: Vinyl, 12"(EP)

John - Bass Guitar
Steven - Drums
Carolyn - Keyboards, Vocals
Caesar - Guitar, Vocals
Produced and Engineered by John Leckie
Sleeve by Realisation

A1: Gruesome Castle  3:26
A2: Pale Spectre  4:09
B1: Furious Sea  3:58
B2: Plastic Flowers  3:57

此処までがFactory時代のThe Wakeの全シングル。彼らの音楽を言葉に置き換えるなら「軟弱」。拙い演奏、甘く蒼い歌詞、ポストモダンまで届かぬジャケットデザインと聴いていて非常に恥ずかしいが、と同時にまるで当時のオレそのものではないか。この後 Sarah Records に移籍した頃から買わなくなってしまったが、時折思い出し延々と聴いてしまう。

Of The Matter / The Wake (1985)

Of The Matter / The Wake (1985)
Label: Factory (UK)
Catalog#: FAC 113
Format: Vinyl, 7"(Single)

Design by Jackie Gribbon and The Wake
Produced by Oz
Engineered by CJ
Notes: Side B is a different mix

A: Of The Matter  2:54
B: Of The Matter  2:54

Talk About The Past / The Wake (1984)

Talk About The Past / The Wake (1984)
Label: Factory (UK)
Catalog#: FAC 88
Format: Vinyl, 12"(Single)

Piano - Vini Reilly
Design by Jackie Gribbon and The Wake
Produced by Oz
Engineered by Stuart at Revolution

A: Talk About The Past  6:18
B: Everybody Works So Hard  5:27

Something Outside / The Wake (1983)

Something Outside / The Wake (1983)
Label: Factory Benelux (Belgium)
Catalog#: FBN24
Format: Vinyl, 12"(Single)

Design by Jackie Gribbon & The Wake, From A Poster by El Lissitzky.
Produced by Oz
Engineered by Stuart at Revolution

A: Something Outside  7:42
B: Host  7:55


Nosferatu / Hugh Cornwell & Robert Williams (1979)

Nosferatu / Hugh Cornwell & Robert Williams (1979)
Label: United Artists Records (Japan)
Catalog#: GP 778
Format: Vinyl, LP

H.A. Cornwell - Vocals(A2, A3, A4), Guitars, Slide Guitar, Chamberlin Mellotron, Moog Bass, Bass, Calliope, Prophet Synthesiser.

R. Williams - Vocals(A1), Drums, Bass, Tamatoms bass, Moog Bass, Guitar, Whistle,  Waterphone, Syndrums, Bass Marimbas, Parede Drums, Rototoms, Tubelar Bells, Percussion.

Ian Underwood - Yamaha Synthesiser (A1, A3, A4 on intro), Soprano Sax (B1 on intro) , Moog Synthesiser (B1 on solo).

Mark Mothersbaugh (DEVO) - Prophet Synthesiser, Vocals.
Bob Mothersbaugh (DEVO) - Guitar, Backing Vocals.

David Walldroop - Guitar, Rhythm Guitar.
A.N. Russian - Intro Voice.
Duncan Poundcake - Fairground Barker
Various People - Crowd.
Various Puppets - Puppet Chant.

Recorded in Undead Los Angeles Dec.'78-Jan.'79, march & April'79; at: Village Records, Cherokee Studios, Britannia Studios, Davlin Studios, Sunset Studios. and in London April'79 - Mothra at:- Eden Studios.
Recording Engineers:- Joe Chicarelli (Alan Winstanley for Mothra)
Mix Engineers:- Alan Winstanley & Steve Churchyard. Mixed at:- Air Studios, London April'79
Produced by Hugh Cornwell & Robert Williams.
This Album is dedicated to the memory of Max Schreck.
Front Cover:- Still from "Nosferatu"1922 dir. F.W. Murnau
Back Cover:- Photograph by Ben J. Adams
Inner Sleeve Mask: Hanya by Yasha, Kanze coll.
Sleeve Concept:- Hugh Cornwell
Design:- Rocking Russian

A1: Nosferatu
A2: Losers In A Lost Land
A3: White Room  (Written by Jack Bruce & Peter Brown)
A4: Irate Caterpillar
A5: Rhythmic Itch
B1: Wired
B2: Big Bug
B3: Mothra
B4: Wrong Way Round
B5: Puppets

生物学の博士号を持ち、当時The Stranglers: Vocal & Guitarだった"Hugh Corwell"と、後期(当時)Captain Beefheart: Drumsだった"Robert Williams"の共作アルバム。エラくカッコイイCreamのA3はシングルカットされ売れた。
本作はドラキュラ映画「Nosferatu(1922)」をモチーフとし、ドラキュラの概念にある恐怖と人が感じる恐怖に基づいて作られたとライナーにあるが、そんな事よりゲストが凄い。The Mothers of Invention: keyboardsの"Ian Underwood"に、Devoの"Mark Mothersbaugh"とBob1号こと"Bob Mothersbaugh"である。おまけに"Ian Dury"がDuncan Poundcakeの変名で参加。Devoの二人が全面参加のA5は、DevoそのものでMarkの声が如何に独特かを再認識した。先日アップのEuroman Cometh / J.J. Burnel (1979)と聴き比べると初期Post Punkのあらましが炙り出されて来る。



Euroman Cometh / J.J. Burnel (1979)

Euroman Cometh / J.J. Burnel (1979)
Label: United Artists Records (Japan)
Catalog#: GP 721
Format: Vinyl, LP

Brian James - Guitar
Lew Lewis - Harmonica
Carey Fortune - Drums
Pete Howells - Drums (A3, A5, B1)
Triumph Bonneville - Drums (B3)

Produced by J. J. Burnel and Alan Winstanley
Enginnered by Alan Winstanley, except (A2, B3), by J. J. Burnel and Martin Rushaent.
Recorded and Mixed in London, 1978
Photographs of Pompidou Centre, Paris by Allan Ballard
Sleeve Concept by J. J. Burnel, Map: Tracy Gerard, Design Co-ordination: Kevin Sparrow

A1: Euroman
A2: Jellyfish
A3: Freddie Laker (Concorde & Eurobus)
A4: Euromess
A5: Deutschland Nicht Über Alles
B1: Do The European
B2: Tout Comprendre
B3: Triumph (Of The Good City)
B4: Pretty Face
B5: Crabs
B6: Eurospeed (Your Own Speed)

現在もThe StranglersのBassistであり、士道館空手ロンドン支部長である"Jean-Jacques Burnel"の1st ソロアルバム。当時のヨーロッバ情勢がテーマ(やはりアメリカは悪者、だろ?w)だが、此のアルバムも過小評価されているモノの一つだ。明確な意志と個性に柔軟な思考(ビジョン)があれば、優れたモノが創れるという見本である。加えてさらに優れた点は(The Stranglersも同じだが)、それがポピュラーミュージックであるという事。泥臭い事も平均点以上に出来てイイ仕事は成立するのだ。同時期にリリースした"Hugh Cornwell(ex:The Stranglers)& Robert Williams"とを聴き比べるのも面白い。どちらもやるべき事をやった大人の仕事w。


Spetial Edition Four-Track EP - Gang Of Four (1980)

Spetial Edition Four-Track EP - Gang Of Four (1980)
Label: Warner Bros. Records (US)
Catalog#: MINI 3494
Format: Vinyl, 12"(EP)

Produced by Gang Of Four
A1 & A2 Recorded March 1980 
B1 Recorded March 1979 
B2 Recorded June 1978

A1: Outside The Trains Don't Run On Time
A2: He'd Send In The Army
B1: It's Her Factory
B2: Armalite Rifle


Time Goes By So Slow / The Distractions (1979)

Time Goes By So Slow / The Distractions (1979)
Label: Factory (UK)
Catalog#: FAC 12
Format: Vinyl, 7"(Single)

Credits: Produced by Brandon Leon
Notes: Sleeve by Peter Saville

A: Time Goes By So Slow
B: Pillow Fight



Zimba / Indambinigi (1990)

Zimba / Indambinigi (1990)
Label: Factory (UK)
Catalog#: FAC 278
Format: Vinyl, 12"(Single)

Credits: Central Station Design 
Notes: Produced by Steve Lima (Uncredited)
Written by Karl Denver, Steve Lima (Uncredited)

A: Zimba   3:42
AA: Shengali   5:58

Madchester Rave On (Remixes) / Happy Mondays (1989)

Madchester Rave On (Remixes) / Happy Mondays (1989)
Label: Factory (UK)
Catalog#: Fac 242r
Format: Vinyl, 12"(Single)

A: Mix by Paul Oakenfold and Andrew Weatherall
Engineered by Steve Osborne
B: Mix by Paul Oakenfold and Terry Farley
Engineered by Steve Osborne

Original Recordings Produced by Martin Hannett
Engineered by Laurence Diana
Artwork by Central Station Design

Notes: Track B samples the bass line from "For The Love Of Money" by the O'Jays.

A: Hallelujah (Club Mix)
B: Rave On (Club Mix)

Madchester Rave On / Happy Mondays (1989)

Madchester Rave On / Happy Mondays (1989)
Label: Factory (UK)
Catalog#: Fac 242r/7
Format: Vinyl, 7"(Single)

Credits: Produceed by Martin Hannett
Re-mixed by Steve Lillywhite
Vocal Support from Kirsty MacColl
Artwork by Central Station Design

A: Hallelujah (The MacColl Mix)
B: Hallelujah (In Out Mix)

今は亡きKirsty MacCollをゲストに迎え、当時旦那だったSteve LillywhiteがMix。

Madchester Rave On E.P. / Happy Mondays (1989)

Madchester Rave On E.P. / Happy Mondays (1989)
Label: Factory (UK)
Catalog#: Fac 242
Format: Vinyl, 12"(EP)

Recorded September - October 1989 The Manor
Tracks Engineered by Hugo Nicholson, Assistant by Calum Sharpe
Programmed and Recorded by Laurence Diana, Assistant by Calum
Mixdown The Manor
Engineered by Laurence Diana
Produced by Martin Hannett for Jay Hatt
Central Station Design

A1: Hallelujah   6:21
A2: Holy Ghost   2:49
B1: Clap Your Hands   3:29
B2: Rave On   6:12

Barking Mad / The Adventure Babies (1992)

Barking Mad / The Adventure Babies (1992)
Label: Factory (UK)
Catalog#: FACD 347
Format: CD (EP)

Produced by Steve Lillywhite and Mark Stuart
Engineered, Mixed by Mark Stuart
Recorded and Mixed at Mad Hat Studio, Wolverhampton
Photography - Mick Green
Dog - Jessica
Barking Art - Central Station Design

1: Barking Mad
2: Captain Scarlet
3: How Mortal We Are (Mad Hat Mix)


Camper Van EP / The Adventure Babies (1991)

Camper Van EP / The Adventure Babies (1991)
Label: Factory (UK)
Catalog#: FAC 319
Format: Vinyl, 12"(EP)

Credits: Produced by Tedstone, Atherton & Bramwel
Engineered by Mark Stuart
A Central Station Schmidt creation

A1: Camper Van
A2: Barking Mad
B1: Lifetime At The Sink
B2: Long Night Narrow Boat

MacBookがとうとう逝ってしまった。思案のあげくMacBook Pro購入!すこぶる快適だがアナログから直接取り込み出来なく成ってしまった。なるはやで慣れますので今後ともよろしくお願いします。



Wimoweh 89 / Karl Denver (1989)

Wimoweh 89 / Karl Denver (1989)
Label: Factory (UK)
Catalog#: Fac 228
Format: Vinyl, 12"(Single)

Credits: Recorded and Mixed by Mike Pickering and Graeme Park
Arranged by Denver/Pickering/Park 
Notes: Sleeve Design by Johnson/Panas

A: Wimoweh 89   5:04
B: Wimoweh Instrumental   5:14

「Wimoweh」とはBrian Enoもカバーしている有名なアフリカン・トラディショナルソング「The Lion Sleeps Tonight」。スコティッシュシンガーである彼が1964年にカバーし、ヒットした曲の89年版リメイク。Johnson/Panas (Trevor Johnson and Tony Panas)によるジャケット(表と裏のコンビネーション)が最高。