
The Animal Speaks / The Golden Palominos (1986)

The Animal Speaks / The Golden Palominos (1986)
Label: Celluloid (US)
Catalog#: CEL 190
Format: Vinyl, 12"

Drums - Anton Fier
Bass - Bill Laswell
Guitar - Jody Harris
Organ - Bernie Worrell

Executive Producer - Jean Karakos
Mixed by 'Iron' Mike Krowiak at RPM studio
Recorded at Radio City Music Hall studio
Engineered by Don Hunerberg
by Chris Nathan, Whitney Love 

A: The Animal Speaks  4:07
   Vocals - John Lydon
B: The Animal Speaks  3:57
   Vocals - Jack Bruce
   Previously unreleased version

両面共タイトル曲でボーカル及びテイク違い。John Lydonの耳を奪われる存在感は流石だが、ボーカルのみが惜しいJack Bruceの方が完成度高し。No WaveなJody Harrisのギターもたまらん。


Omaha / Golden Palominos (1985)

Omaha / Golden Palominos (1985)
Label: Celluloid (US)
Catalog#: CEL 183
Format: Vinyl, 12"

Credits: Cover Design - Thi-Linh Le
Drums - Anton Fier
Bass - Bill Laswell
Guitar - Henry Kaiser
guitar, Backing Vocals, Piano - Chris Stamey
Vocals - Michael Stipe

Recorded at Evergreen Studio
Engineer - Rob Stevens, Robert Musso
Engineer Assistant - Hahn Rowe
Mixed by Dave Jerden at R.P.M. studio
Assistant - Ironic Mike Krowiak

Guitar - Henry Kaiser
Drums, Percussion - Anton Fier
Bass, Other Stuff - Bill Laswell
Turntables - D. ST.
Bata, Bells - Daniel Ponce
Synthesizer, Dmx - Michael Beinhorn
Acoustic Guitar - Robert Musso

Recorded by Robert Musso
at Radio City and Grant Street Studios
Mixed  by Dave Jerden at RPM studio
Assistant Engineer - Iron Mike Krowiak
Produced by Material/OAO

A: Omaha  3:08
Written by Skip Spence (Moby Grape)

B: For A Few Dollars More  7:24
Written by Ennio Morricone

毎度の豪華な面子に加えてMichael Stipe (R.E.M.)がボーカルのMoby Grape曲のA。そして「夕陽のガンマン」by Ennio Morriconeと楽しい内容だが、やっぱAはオリジナルがイイかな。
R.I.P. Skip Spence


Village Fire - Five Offerings From James / James (1985)

Village Fire - Five Offerings From James / James (1985)
Label: Factory (UK)
Catalog#: FAC 138
Format: Vinyl, 12"EP

Credits: Drawings by John Carroll
Notes: Compilation of JIM I (FAC 78) and JIM II (FAC 119)

A1: Whats The World  1:57
A2: Folklore  2:49
A3: Fire So Close  1:50
B1: If Things Were Perfect  3:05
B2: Hymn From A Village  2:52

デビュー作である「JIM I (FAC 78)」と次作「JIM II (FAC 119)」のコンピEP。後にBrian Enoをプロデューサーに迎えビッグバンドになるが解散、6年後復活し現在に至る。楽曲の素晴らしさは当然だが、Tim Boothの、繊細でかつ力強く、UKらしい色合いを持つ声が最大の魅力。初期と後期がオススメ。


Compressor / Biting Tongues (1986)

Compressor / Biting Tongues (1986)
Label: Factory (UK)
Catalog#: fac 188
Format: Vinyl, 12"EP

Credits: Written, Arranged by Biting Tongues
Drums - Philip Kirby
Bass, Double Bass - Patrick Steer
Trombone - Tom Barnish
Tenor Saxophone, Soprano Saxophone - Howard Walmsley
St20, Dx7, Vss100, Vocals - Graham Massey
Design - Johnson/Panas

Producer - Chris Nagel at Yello 2 Stockport (A, B1)
Producer - Dave Pringle at Out Of The Blue Manchester

A: Compressor  4:47
B1: Black Jesus  7:51
B2: Black And White Jesus  3:04

808 Stateの中心人物であるGraham Masseyがその前に結成したバンド。1981~89年にアルバム4枚、EP4枚、2003年にアルバム1枚をリリース。現在も不定期にライヴを行なっている。Post PunkがJazzとFunkへと向かった好例だが、その後Technoへ発展し成功した例は彼らの他に知らない。Acid HouseなJazzやFunkを、ほぼ変わらぬ面子での2003年「Recharge」も好盤。Manchesterの絆は深い。


The Extended Pleasure Of Dance EP / 808 State (1990)

The Extended Pleasure Of Dance EP / 808 State (1990)
Label: ZTT (UK)
Catalog#: ZANG 2T
Format: Vinyl, 12"

Credits: Produced by 808 State
Engineered by Graham Massey
Recorded at Square One Studios
Remixed at Sarm (West) Studios
Remix by Ren Swan
Recorded & mixed at Square One (AA2)
Sleeve by Ryan Art
Image by Phil Wolstenholme

A: Cobra Bora (Call The Cops Mix)  4:49
AA1: Ancodia (Taters Deep Nit Funky Beat Mix)  5:37
AA2: Cübik  3:36



Space / Space (1990)

Space / Space (1990)
Label: KLF Communications (UK)
Catalog#: SPACE LP 1
Format: Vinyl, LP, Mixed

Credits: Produced and Written by J. Cauty
Recorded at Trancentral

A1: Mercury
A2: Venus
A3: Mars
A4: Jupiter
B1: Saturn
B2: Uranus
B3: Neptune
B4: Pluto

The KLFが「Space」名義でリリースしたのは此れのみ。と言ってもほぼJimmy Cautyのソロアルバムらしい。同年リリースの大名盤「Chill Out」に比べて凄さこそ無いが、相変わらずプログレな側面を見せるチルアウトなA面とアンビエントハウスのB面(共に約19分)。A面ラストにチラ見する"Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"がロマンチック。


Swastika Eyes / Primal Scream (1999)

Swastika Eyes / Primal Scream (1999)
Label: Creation Records (UK)
Catalog#: CRE326T
Format: Vinyl, 12"

A: Additional Production by The Chemical Brothers
Engineered by steve Dub, Edited by Cheeky Paul
B: Additional Production, Mixed by Jagz Kooner
Sleeve by House@Intro

A: Swastika Eyes (Chemical Brothers Mix)  7:09
B: Swastika Eyes (Spectre Mix)  8:10



Come Together / Primal Scream (1990)

Come Together / Primal Scream (1990)
Label: Creation Records (UK)
Catalog#: CRE 078
Format: Vinyl, 7"(Single)

Credits: Produced by Primal Scream
Engineered by Colin Leggett
Additional Production and Remix by Terry Farley For Boy's Own (A)
Additional Production and Remix by Andrew Weatherall For Boy's Own (AA)

A: Come Together  4:23
AA: Come Together  4:45

Screamadelica: 20th Anniversary Deluxe Edition/Remasteredを記念して、あえて7inchバージョンを2枚。

Loaded / Primal Scream (1990)

Loaded / Primal Scream (1990)
Label: Creation Records (UK)
Catalog#: CRE 070
Format: Vinyl, 7"(Single)

Credits: Produced by Andrew Weatherall (A), Sister Anne (AA)
Engineer - Brian O'Shaughnessy
Remix - Pat Collier (AA)
Photography - Luke Hayes

A: Loaded  4:15
AA: I'm Losing More Than I'll Ever Have  4:45


La Perversità / La Perversità (1979)

La Perversità / La Perversità (1979)
Label: Scopa Invisible (France)
Catalog#: Scopa 10005
Format: Vinyl, LP

Jeanne Folly, J.l Hennig, VXZ 375, Hektor Zazou, Bazooka
Tous Travaux D'art - Kiki Picasso

Backing Vocals - Jack Kaspier (A2, A3), Lay Jeame (B1) 
Bass, Vocals, Guitar, Synthesizer - Medor Mader (A3) 
Guitar - Henry Kaiser (B3), Martin Mesonier (A2, B4) 
Slide Guitar - Lay Jeame (B4) 
Piano, Flute - Hector Zazou 
Violin - John Sindler (B2) 
Vocals - Jeanne Foly 
Vocals, Drums, Percussion - Hamilton Barclay

Notes: Including two black and white posters (60 x 60cm) with artwork printed on both sides. 
Track B5 is not listed on the cover or label; it contains a brief reprise snippet from "Satisfaction". 

Face Pile
A1: Strawberry Fields Forever  3:49
A2: 5'… Et Quelque De Bonheur...  5:43
A3:  I Love You S...  11:54
Face Face
B1: Satisfaction  2:29
B2: Para Bokassa  4:16
B3: On Dine  1:55
B4: La Soupeuse  10:33
B5: Untitled  0:26

友人からまとめて安く買った正体不明の一枚で、ジャケットが「Kiki Picasso」だったので見つけた時は驚いた。其れまでは存在すら知らなかった此のレコードだが、惜しむらくは「Bazooka」制作の付属ポスターかブックレットが紛失していた事。其の後Webで探し見つけたものをコンパイルしておいた。
「Kiki Picasso」については、その昔雑誌で「過激なパリ」という特集を見て以来のファン。Picassoとは何の関係も無い彼は、パリのアーティスト集団「Bazooka」に所属し「Loulou Picasso」等と紹介されていた。Elvis Costello "Armed Forces"にもイラストが使用されている。
音の方はDevoと時を同じくしての変態的A1、B1が印象的だが、稚拙さは微塵も無く早くも完成されたPost Punkといった感。Hector Zazouが中心だったのか、Discogsではディスコグラフィーに彼の名前で明記されている。プログレからワールドミュージックまで多才だった彼もとうとう鬼籍に入ってしまった。


Secret Story / Minny Pops (1982)

Secret Story / Minny Pops (1982)
Label: Factory (UK)
Catalog#: FAC 57
Format: Vinyl, 7"(Single)

Credits: Produced by Minny Pops
Inform Sleeve by RvM
A Factory Communications product 

A: Secret Story  2:09
B: Island  2:16

可愛い名前とは裏腹に此の時代のFactoryらしい、オランダのバンド。後述のDolphin Spurt (1981)はMartin Hannettプロデュース。

Dolphin Spurt / Minny Pops (1981)

Dolphin Spurt / Minny Pops (1981)
Label: Factory (UK)
Catalog#: FAC 31
Format: Vinyl, 7"(Single)

Credits: Produced by Martin Hannett
Engineered by Chris Nagle
A Factory Records Product
Printing by Garrod & Lofthouse
Design by Martyn Atkins
Photos by Minny Pops

A: Dolphin Spurt  2:45
B: Goddess  4:52


Ride / Ride (1990)

Ride / Ride (1990)
Label: Creation Records (UK)
Catalog#: CRE072T
Format: Vinyl, 12"(EP)

Credits: Recorded at Union Studios, Oxford by Calvin and Alan
Remixed at Arkantide Studios, London by James and Bill
Roses by Debbie

Notes: Released: 15 Jan 1990

A1: Chelsea Girl
A2: Drive Blind
B1: All I Can See
B2: Close My Eyes

この後からEPジャケットが子供写真シリーズになり、名盤「Nowhere("Vapour Trail" は何時聴いても泣けるへと進行していくが、此処迄が一区切り。隙間なく立ちはだかる分厚いギターの壁の向こうから聴こえる素晴らしいメロディー 。オレは常々、サウンドとしてのロックの本質はサイケデリックにあると感じるのだが、此れもまた然り。

Play / Ride (1990)

Play / Ride (1990)
Label: Creation Records (UK)
Catalog#: CRE075T
Format: Vinyl, 12"(EP)

Credits: Recorded at Blackwing Studios, London by Ken
'Like A Daydream' remixed at Matrix Studios, London by Alan Moulder
Daffodils by Lou 

Notes: Released: 02 Apr 1990

A1: Furthest Sense
A2: Perfect Time
B1: Like A Daydream
B2: Silver