
Hernando's Hideaway / The Tesco Bombers (1982)

Hernando's Hideaway / The Tesco Bombers (1982)
Label: Y Records (UK)
Catalog#: Y 14
Format: Vinyl, 7"(EP)

Credits: Produced by The Tesco Bombers at Surrey Sounds
Photo by Mike Laye

A: Hernando's Hideaway
  Written by Richard Adler
B1: Break The Ice At Parties
B2: Girl From Ipanema (Instrumental)
  Written by Antonio Carlos Jobin

Y Recordsよりリリースされた正体不明のバンドで、唯一のレコード。Jazz, Bossaのカバーを演りたいが為に作った様な出来だが、こんな風に気軽な意味合いのレコードってホント必要なのだ。

1 件のコメント:

  1. Hello, would you be able to upload this file again please, I've been trying to find this record for a long time? Many thanks. :)
