
Playing With A Different Sex / Au Pairs (1981)

Playing With A Different Sex / Au Pairs (1981)
Label: Human Records (UK)
Catalog#: HUMAN 1
Format: Vinyl, LP 

Vocals and Guitar – Lesley
Vocals and Guitar – Paul
Bass – Jane
Drums – Pete

Recorded at Jacob's Studios April 1981
Engineered by Ken Thomas
Produced by Au Pairs, Martin and Ken
Sleeve Design by Martin/Rocking Russian
Cover Photography by Eve Arnold
Sax by Lindy/From Fast Relief

A1: We're So Cool
A2: Love Song
A3: Set-Up
A4: Repetition
    Written by D.Bowie
A5: Headache For Michelle
B1: Come Again
B2: Armagh
B3: Unfinished Business
B4: Dear John
B5: It's Obvious
(B6: Endless Track)

対等の立場を意味するバンド名から想像が容易い其の政治的姿勢と、ガシャガシャとゾンザイなギターが相まって、当時は良く"Gang of Four"と比較されたバンド。当時はジャケットに惹かれるも完全に食わず嫌い。ブログを読んでくださる遠方の見知らぬ方より寄贈され初めて聴いた本盤は、The Raincoatsから始まった一連のロック女性解放戦線が、Post punkとしてダンスに指向性を見つけた初期の感触が楽しめる好盤だった。3年で潰れたがニッチなHuman Recordsよりリリース。

Thanks for Mr. Okuzumi.

6 件のコメント:

  1. Min-min, it is a great pity that, after the time I have been contributing recordings (in comments) to your excellent posts, we have still not spoken directly. In any case, to wish you and readers a Merry Crassmas, here are the Au Pairs live at the Women's (Wimmins?) festival in Berlin 1981 - a setlist of all the classics, and a top-quality recording. This is the only known Au Pairs live recording:

    Tracklist :

    01 Diet
    02 Headache For Michelle
    03 Dear John
    04 Love Song
    05 Set Up
    06 Inconvenience
    07 Armagh
    08 Repetition Written-By - David Bowie
    09 We're So Cool
    10 Cum Again
    11 Piece Of My Heart Written By - Ragovoy

    Link to download :

    Cheers and whatever your beliefs, may peace come in this next year, cheers Dave Sez.

  2. To Dave.

    I am always grateful for your thoughtfulness and your polite comments.
    Japan and the world is a challenging period and I hope to be better next year. A lot of happiness to come to you.

    with love from min - min.

    min - minより愛を込めて。

  3. Dear min-min,

    Nice to hear from you! To wish us all better days in the next year, here's one of my recordings - it may not be your style, but I hope you and readers like it, with thanks for all the great music we have got from you.

    Cheers, Dave Sez.


  4. And whilst we're at it, a Christmas gift from dave of qualitybootz to me Dave Sez to you. As you have given us some classic punk vinyl bootlegs, I hope you'll like this 1979 Magazine gig (see the comments for more info) - one of the Top Ten Best Punk Vinyl Bootlegs, alongside Echoes of Pleasure-Ultravox (thanks!), Spunk-Pistols, Red China-Clash, Metal Shadows-Banshees, Race Against Time-Penetration, and more; here in FLAC:


    Cheers, Dave Sez.

  5. Genki, min-min? I hope so. Let me correct my statement above: there are several other Au Pairs live recordings. Whilst Berlin 1981 is the only official release, a full version of the gig (15 tracks @ 320 kbps) is available as is their "last gig" in 1983, which is probably Frauenklang Festival 3-5 February 1983 at The Arena, Vienna, Austria.

    Find them here:

    Cheers, Dave Sez.

  6. Hi Dave.

    I am Genki!
    Thank you for always a lot of information.
    I am grateful to you to really appreciate it.

    Au Pairs Live tape is great.
    Thank you so much.
    I'll keep going!
