
Paris Maquis / Metal Urbain (1977)

Paris Maquis / Metal Urbain (1977)

Label: Rough Trade (UK)
Catalog#: RT 001
Format: Vinyl, 7" (Single)

Credits: Produced by Metal Urbain & Ross Gighton for Rough Trade

A: Paris Maquis
B: Cle De Contact

Rough Tradeの記念すべきファーストリリースは、Metal Boys、Doctor Mix And The Remixこと、仏のPunk Band、Metal Urbain。リズムボックス&ギターのみで何故こんなにも格好良いのか。Rough TradeカタログNo.100以内のシングルは全て必聴。

2 件のコメント:

  1. Excellent choice, min min! Paris Maquis is up there with Anarchy in the UK as a classic 1977 punk anthem. You may not have their first single; here it is in thanks:


    Cheers, Dave Sez.

  2. Hi, Dave!
    Thanks for your comments all the time.
    Metal urbain's first single is greeeeeeeat!
    Thank you very much!
