
The Spot / Snakefinger (1978)

The Spot / Snakefinger (1978)

Label: Ralph Records (US)
Catalog#: RR7805
Format: Vinyl, 7"(Single) Blue Transparent

Credits: Produced by The Residents
All Instruments and Vocals by Snakefinger Lithman
except: D. Jackovich, percussion on "The Spot"
The Residents, percussion on "Smelly Tougues"
Cover Art by Pore/No Graphics

Notes: Edition of 35,000.
The Residents co-wrote The Spot (which also appears on Nibbles) and perform Smelly Tongues with Snakefinger (this is a cover version of one of The Residents own tracks taken from their debut "Meet The Residents" album).

A: The Spot
B: Smelly Tongues

英Pub Rock Band「Chilli Willi & The Red Hot Peppers」脱退後、サンフランシスコでThe Residentsと出会う彼は、その指の動きからSnekefingerと呼ばれる。The Residentsにとって彼は何者だったのか。そして彼にとってThe Residentsは何者だったのか。合掌。

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