N.Y. Scum / Psychic TV (1984)
Label: Temple Records (UK)
Catalog#: TOPY 002
Format: Vinyl, LP
This record is a document edited and shaped to capture a moment in time and those feelings and impressions connected with it. It is no longer the event itself but it remains history. For the realization of this project PSYCHIC TV were: John Gosling, P. Christopherson, G. Rushton, Alex Fergusson, Paula and Genesis P-Orrige. Executed at The Danceteria, New York 19 November 1983. Cover photo by Catherine Ceresolo.
A: N.Y. Scum
B: Haters
Industrial Musicから オカルティックな宗教団体「Thee Temple ov Psychick Youth」設立。結婚後、いち早くAcid Houseへと向かい性転換手術も行った才人、Genesis P-Orrigeそのものが PTVである。聴くというよりも体験するそれは、何とも魅力的である。
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