
O'locco (Revisited) 12"orbit at 33rpm / Sun Electric (1991)

O'locco (Revisited) / Sun Electric (1991)

Label: WAU! Mr. Modo Recordings (UK)
Catalog#: mws 020r
Format: Vinyl, 12" (EP)

previous unavailable 'orbital therapy parts 5-8'
unreleased mixes made on e the night the orb was born.

Produced and Mixed by Sun Electric Berlin Germany
The Night The Walls Came Down
Remixed by Alex Paterson, Gavin Cauty & Youth In London
The Night The Orb Was Born
The DJ Was Dr Alex Paterson, Edited by Thomas Fehlmann

This Side Of The Wall
A1: O'locco (Orbital Therapy Part 5) 7:08
A2: O'locco (Orbital Therapy Part 6) 7:07
That Side Of The Wall
B1: O'locco (Orbital Therapy Part 7) 7:17
B2: O'locco (Orbital Therapy Part 8) 6:56

The Orbものにハズレ無し。


Looking From A Hilltop / Section 25 (1984)

Looking From A Hilltop / Section 25 (1984)

Label: Factory (UK)
Catalog#: FAC 108
Format: Vinyl, 12" (Single)

Produced by Be Music and DoJo
A: Restructure from FACT 90
B: Megamix from FAC 108 A

Be Music = Bernard Sumner, of New Order
Dojo = Donald Johnson, of A Certain Ratio

A: Looking From A Hilltop (Restructure) 4:34
B: Looking From A Hilltop (Megamix) 8:04



Ten To Midnight E.P. / Original Clique (1990)

Ten To Midnight E.P. / Original Clique (1990)

Label: Chill Records (UK)
Catalog#: TUV 1
Format: Vinyl, 12" (EP)

Produced by Original Clique

A1: Come To Papa 5:26
A2: Xamax 3:34
B1: Mayhem 5:09
B2: U = Underground 5:41


Tricky Disco (Remix) / Tricky Disco (1990)

Tricky Disco (Remix) / Tricky Disco (1990)

Label: Warp Records (UK)
Catalog#: WAP 7 R
Format: Vinyl, 12"(Single)

Produced by Tricky Disco
Mastered by Miles Showell
Rimixed by Tricky Disco (Norman/wells)
Thanks to Jurgen : Stay Tricky!
Saxophone by Cool Eddie Newman
Licensed From Outer Space.
Artwork by Tommy Yamaha

A: Tricky Disco (Saxy Mix)
AA: Tricky Disco (Inner Space Mix)



Sex Machine (Extended Mix) / The Flying Lizards (1984)

Sex Machine (Extended Mix) / The Flying Lizards (1984)

Label: Statik Records (UK)
Catalog#: TAK 19-12
Format: Vinyl, 12" (EP)

Voice - ally and Michael
Piano - Julian Marshall
Keyboards and Percussion - David Cunningham
Photography - Garrard Martin
Artwork by Julie Pratten
Recorded digitally ADA in london
Produced by David Cunningham for piano records

B-side is one track banded to look like 4 separate tracks

A1: Sex Machine (Extended Version) 6:36
A2: Machine Sex 2:13
B1: Flesh And Steel (Extended Version) 8:26

The Flying Lizards は David Cunningham のことである。ギャラリーでのインスタレーション等も行う彼は、自身のレーベルから "エラーシステム" で演奏されたソロアルバムをリリースする傍ら、This Heat をプロデュース。その後The Flying Lizards として「Summertime Blues」や「Money」を低予算でリリースし話題となった。彼も Eno と同じ様に "非音楽家" なのであろうか。いや、その事よりも彼らが(一時的だとしても)何故に "Rock" へと向かうのかが知りたい。


Higher Than The Sun (Remix) / Primal Scream (1991)

Higher Than The Sun (Remix) / Primal Scream (1991)

Label: Creation Records (UK)
Catalog#: CRE 096X
Format: Vinyl, 12"(Single)

Photography by Grant Fleming
Cover Painting: P. Cannell
Layout: M. Franks

A: Higher Then The Sun (A Dub Symphony In Two Parts) 7:30
Featuring - Jah Wobble
Produced by Andrew Weatherall
Assisted by Hugo Nicolson for Boys Own Productions
B: Higher Than The Orb 5:00
Produced by The Orb (Dr. Alex Paterson & Thrash)

Jah Wobble と The Orb のカップリングというサイコーのシングル。聴きすぎても聴き飽きる事無し。90年初頭はアメリカでもヨーロッパでも新しい音楽が地上に出て来て、かなりワクワクの毎日だった様に思う。Primal Scream はやはりこの頃がベストか。

Higher Than The Sun / Primal Scream (1991)

Higher Than The Sun / Primal Scream (1991)

Label: Creation Records (UK)
Catalog#: CRE 096T
Format: Vinyl, 12"(Single)

Photography by Grant Fleming
Cover Painting: P. Cannell
Layout: M. Franks

A: Higher Than The Sun 6:43
Produced by The Orb (Dr. Alex Paterson & Thrash)

B: Higher Than The Sun (American Spring Mix) 6:20
Produced by Andrew Weatherall
Assisted by Hugo Nicolson for Boys Own Productions


Meet Every Situation Head On / M.E.S.H. (1988)

Meet Every Situation Head On / M.E.S.H. (1988)

Label: Castalia Recordings (UK)
Catalog#: TAB 001
Format: Vinyl, 12" (Single)

A: Meet Every Situation Head On (DJ Jackmaster Tab Fitness Mix)
AA: Meet Every Situation Head On (DJ Jackmaster Tab Mix)

DJ Jackmaster Tab (Jack The Tab)とは Genesis P-Orrige であり、
後にThe Grid と成る Dave Ball、Richard Norrisとのプロジェクト。
Blue Monday のアシッドバージョンの様相。


N.Y. Scum / Psychic TV (1984)

N.Y. Scum / Psychic TV (1984)

Label: Temple Records (UK)
Catalog#: TOPY 002
Format: Vinyl, LP

This record is a document edited and shaped to capture a moment in time and those feelings and impressions connected with it. It is no longer the event itself but it remains history. For the realization of this project PSYCHIC TV were: John Gosling, P. Christopherson, G. Rushton, Alex Fergusson, Paula and Genesis P-Orrige. Executed at The Danceteria, New York 19 November 1983. Cover photo by Catherine Ceresolo.

A: N.Y. Scum
B: Haters

Industrial Musicから オカルティックな宗教団体「Thee Temple ov Psychick Youth」設立。結婚後、いち早くAcid Houseへと向かい性転換手術も行った才人、Genesis P-Orrigeそのものが PTVである。聴くというよりも体験するそれは、何とも魅力的である。


Fin / In Camera (1982)

Fin / In Camera (1982)

Label: 4AD (UK)
Catalog#: BAD 205
Format: Vinyl, 12"(EP)

Session recorded for BBC Radio 1 9.12.80.
Released by arrangement with BBC Records

Jeff Wilmott
Pete Moore
Andrew Gray
David Steiner

A: The Fatal Day
B1: Coordinates
B2: Apocalypse

このバンドもJ.D.の遺伝子を持つ。彼らを発見しリリースした4ADは、現在も揺るぎない独自の美意識と価値観とを併せ持つ数少ないレーベルである。創設者 Ivo Watts-Russell に敬服せざるをえない。

IV Songs / In Camera (1980)

IV Songs / In Camera (1980)

Label:v4AD (UK)
Catalog#: BAD 19
Format: Vinyl, 12"(EP)

Produced by - In Camera with Eric & John at Blackwing

First Second Side
A1: The Conversation
A2: The Attic

Second First Side
B1: Fragments Of Fear
B2: Legion


Wheel In The Roses / Rema-Rema (1980)

Wheel In The Roses / Rema-Rema (1980)
Label: 4AD (UK)
Catalog#: BAD 5
Format: Vinyl, 12" (EP)

A1: Feedback Song
A2: Rema-Rema
B1: Instrumental
B2: Fond Affections
recorded live June 79 (mono)

Credits: Rema-Rema were
Organ, Synthesizer - Mark Cox
Vocals, Bass - Michael Allen
Vocals, Guitar - Gary Asquith
Guitar - Marco
Drums - Max

Produced by Wally Brill & Rema-Rema

Joy Divisionにより蒔かれた、優れた遺伝子を持つバンドだったが、此れ一枚で解散。


Taco - Taco (1982)

タコ - タコ (1982)

Label: Pinakotheca (Japan)
Catalog#: PRL#10
Format: Vinyl, LP

A1: 免疫
Vocals - 山崎春美

A2: 仏の顔は今日も三度までだった
Vocals - 栗沢いずみ
Music, Arrangemen, Perform - ジラーフ・エンタープライズ

A3: きらら
Bass, Piano - 工藤冬里
Vocals, Guitar, Percussion - 町田町蔵
Drums - 成田宗弘
Alto Saxophone - 山本土壺

A4: イターリン - 赤い旅団
Music, Vocals, Guitar - 宮沢正一
Arrangement - 遠藤みちろう
Guitar - 膿 End 痴郎
Bass - 桃太郎
Drums - 成田宗弘
Vocals - 山崎春美, 香山リカ

A5: 人捨て節

A6: 嘔吐中枢は世界の源
Music, Vocals - ロリータ順子
Guita, Alto, Tenor Saxophone - 菅波ゆり子
Alto, Tenor Saxophone - 篠田昌巳
Bass - 今井次郎
Drums - 石渡明廣
Back Voice - Non
Tenor Saxophone - 山崎春美

A7: エニグラム
Music - G.I.グルジェフ
Piano - 井上重明
Voice - 細川周平

B0: Intro At 日比谷野音 1981.8.15

B1: な・い・し・ょのエンペラーマジック
Music, Arrangement, Back Voice, Synthesizer, Piano, Drums - 坂本龍一
Lead Voice, Chorus - ロリータ順子
Chorus - 高橋文子, 栗沢いずみ
Back Voice - 山崎春美

B2: 鵺
Music, Arrangement, Vocals, Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Cello - 大里俊晴
Bass Clarinet - 山本土壺

B3: 人質ファンク (リハビリ・バージョン)
Arrangement, Drums, Handclaps - 佐藤薫
Piano - 上野耕司
Synthesizer - 川島バナナ
Guitar - 遠藤昌美
Bass - クー
Vocals - 0123 , Zero

B4: 非情の生殺し
Electronics [Rhythm Box], Synthesizer - 奥田大三
Guitar, Bass - 成田宗弘
Voice - 後飯塚遼

B5: 小さなチベット人
Music - G.I.グルジェフ
Arrangement - 武邑光裕
Vocals - 香山リカ
Voice - 細川周平
Piano - 井上重明

B6: ガセネタ - 宇宙人の春
Vocals - 山崎春美
Music, Arrangement, Guitar - J.H
Bass - 大里俊晴
Drums - T.M

Credits: All Produce, Words by 山崎春美
Except「赤い旅団」: Produced by 遠藤みちろう+ 山崎春美 Words by トロッポ+山崎春美
「小さなチベット人」: Words by セルゲイ・シュへロノスキー+山崎春美

First A Jacket: 花輪和一
First A Jacket: 合田佐和子
Color Direction, Rebel Design by 宮川隆

All Narration by 細川周平
Except 鹿児島語 by 後飯塚遼




SU-DE-NI!? / Para-Phrase (1981)

SU-DE-NI!? / Para-Phrase (1981)

Label: Beat Generation Records (Sapporo, Japan)
Catalog#: いの一番
Format: Vinyl, 7" Flexi





Private Tapes Vol.2 : Para-Phrase (1981)

Private Tapes Vol.2:
Live At 神経質な鶏, Sapporo (1981.08.15)
/ Para - Phrase

Recorded By min-min (Portable Stereo Cassette Recorder)
At Shinkeishitsu Na Niwatori, Sapporo, Japan

Guitar, Vocal - HAL
Bass - φ
Drums - Ato


Niku / The Stalin (1981)

肉 / The Stalin (1981)

Label: Climax Records (Japan)
Catalog#: CMC-2505P
Format: Vinyl, 7" Flexi

Note: Bonus Flexi Disc for the first album from the major record label.

A: Niku (1'37")


Allergie / The Stalin (1982)

Allergie / The Stalin (1982)

Label: Climax Records (Japan)
Catalog#: CMA-2033
Format: Vinyl, 7"(Single)

A: Allergie
B: No Fun



Sweets / World Of Twist (1991)

Sweets / World Of Twist (1991)

Label: Circa Records Ltd.(UK)
Catalog#: YRT 72
Format: Vinyl, 12" (EP)

Produced by Dave Ball and Richard Norris (The Grid)
Recording Engineer - Nick Hopkins
Mix Engineer - Richard Evans

A: Sweets (Album Version)
B1: Sweets (Barrett 200 Mix)
B2: This Too Shall Pass Away (Chat)

当時米国ではGrange、英国はManchester Boom。
センス良し、曲良し。英国人はこういうのホント巧い。うっすらと漂うBlack Musicの影深し。ただ、Manchester出身だと思ってたら、Sheffieldだった。納得。

Sons Of The Stage / World Of Twist (1991)

Sons Of The Stage / World Of Twist (1991)

Label: Circa Records Ltd.(UK)
Catalog#: YRT 62
Format: Vinyl, 12" (EP)

Produced and Mixed by Clif Brigden
Engineered by Steve Chase

Backing Vocals - Viv Dixon
Film Produced by Angela Riley
Cover and Additional Photographs by James Fly

A1: Sons Of The Stage (7" Version) 4:50
A2: Sons Of The Stage (12" Version) 4:54
B: Life And Death (Remix) 6:03
Remix - Clif Brigden

The Storm / World Of Twist (1990)

The Storm / World Of Twist (1990)

Label: Circa Records Ltd.(UK)
Catalog#: YRT 55
Format: Vinyl, 12"EP

Produced by Clif Brigden (A1, B2),
Martin Hannett and World Of Twist (A2, B1)
Engineerd by Hugo Nicholson (A1, B2),
Liam Mullen (A2),
John Pennington, Spencer Birtwistle (B1)

Vocals - Tony Ogden
Sea Noises - M.C. Shells
Drums - Monti (A1, B2)
Portraits - Adge, James Fry

A1: The Storm (12" Version) 6:30
A2: She's A Rainbow 4:20
B1: She's A Rainbow (12" Version) 5:02
B2: The Storm 3:23

短命だが惜しいバンド。Martin Hannett 最後の作品か。


Le Chant De La Honte! / Chiko Hige x Kaoru Sato (1985)

Le Chant De La Honte!
/ Chiko Hige x Kaoru Sato (1985)

Label: Telegraph Records (Japan)
Catalog#: TGEP-026
Format: Vinyl, 12"EP

Credits: Musique - Chiko Hige, Kaoru Sato
Texte de - Taro Tominaga
Producteur - Higo, Sato
Art Direction - Outer Directs

Batterie, Sax Alto, Basse(A, B1), Voix(A, B1) - Chiko Hige
Voix, Percussion au Doigt, Bruit, Piano(B1) - Kaoru Sato
Clarinette Basse(A, B1), Basse(A), Guitare à Douze Cordes(B2) - Elliott Sharp
Claviers(A, B2) - Banana
Tabla(A, B1) - Mato

Face A: Le Chant De La Honte!
Face B1: La Table Nerveuse
Face B2: Le Silhouette

Honte!(オント) honte!(オント)
眼玉の 蜻蛉(とんぼ)
わが身を 攫(さら)へ
わが身を 啖(くら)へ

Honte! honte!
燃え立つ 焜爐(こんろ)
わが身を 焦がせ
わが身を 鎔かせ

Honte! honte!
干割れた 咽喉(のんど)
わが身を 涸らせ
わが身を 曝らせ

Honte! honte!

【恥の歌 / 富永太郎】

チコ・ヒゲ(ex-The Contortions, Friction)と佐藤薫(EP-4)のユニット。


Buy Or Die 1980 / Various (1980)

Buy Or Die 1980 / Various (1980)

Label: Ralph Records (US)
Catalog#: RR 8007-E
Format: Vinyl, 7"(EP)

Credits: Artwork by Gary Panter
Notes: Selections from four albums released by Ralph Records.

A1: MX-80 Sound - Don't Blame It On Me
A2: Snakefinger - Here Comes The Bums
B1: Tuxedomoon - 7 Years
B2: The Residents - The Festival Of Death (Excerpt)

Ralph Recordsがそれ以降のアンダーグラウンド・ミュージックに与えた影響は少なくない。アメリカ産のこのレーベルが、いやThe Residentsがアメリカに存在していなければ、No WaveもGrungeも存在しなかったはずだ。

I've uploaded the file again.


Kaw-Liga (Housey Mix) / The Residents (1989)

Kaw-Liga (Housey Mix) / The Residents (1989)

Label: Torso (Netherlands)
Catalog#: TORSO 12110
Format: Vinyl, 12"(EP)

Credits: Remixed by The Moody Boys
Written by Williams/Rose
Package Design by Rex Ray

A: Kaw-Liga (The Housey Mix) 5:18
B1: Kaw-Liga (The Stripped Mix) 5:24
B2: Kaw-Liga (Nightmare Mix II) 5:05

Hank Williamsのカバー。1986年にRalphからに7 inchにて最初のリリース。同年TorsoよりRemix。その後毎年各国からリリースされ、1989年にThe Moody Boys: Remixの本盤が初リリースされる。