
Happy Ever After / Stockholm Monsters (1982)

Happy Ever After / Stockholm Monsters (1982)

Label: Factory (UK)
Catalog#: Fac 58
Format: Vinyl, 7"(Single)

This is a Factoy Record featuring two songs by
the Stockholm Monsters.
The first of these is "Happy Ever After" which is
followed by "Soft Babies" on Side B. They were
recorded at Strawberry Studios and Produced by Be-Music.
Both songs were written by the Stockholm Monsters
& published by East 61st Street. The sleeve was
designed by Mark Farrow & printed by James Upton.
The catalogue number is Fac 58.

A: Happy Ever After
B: Soft Babies

2nd シングル。彼らのレコードの殆どが Be-Music = New Order プロデュースだが、主に Peter Hook だったらしい。

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