Our Swimmer / Wire (1979)
Label: Rough Trade (UK)
Catalog#: RT 079
Format: Vinyl, 7"(Single)
Credits: Produced by Wire
A: Our Swimmer
B: Midnight Bahnhoff Cafe
プログレな Harvest 契約終了後、迷走しっぱなしとなる Rough Trade 時代最後の7" Single。此れと12" EPと、ライヴ盤なのかコンピ盤なのか不明だが好盤をリリースして、Mute へと移籍する。
wow thanks for this! you have a great blog i just discovered it today. want to trade blog links with my blog? i just started it last month.
You blog is a great blog. I follow you. Thanks!
返信削除thanks! i try to follow you too but it doesn't seem to be working? i added your site to my blog roll...
返信削除Possible to re-up this one? - thanks. You have a great collection.