The Faust Tapes / Faust (1973)
Label: Virgin (UK)
Catalog#: VC 501
Credits: The music on this album, drawn from Faust's own library of private tapes, was recorded informally and not originally intended for release. However, since British interest in the group has been unusually great, it has been decided to make some of this unofficial material available to the public in this country. These tapes been left exactly as they were recorded - frequently live - and no post-production work has been imposed on them. The group wish to make it clear that this not to be regarded at their third album, but a bonus release - on sale at the current price of a single - to mark their signing with Virgin Records, for whom they will shortly be recording their next official album. The Faust Tapes reveals Faust at their most personal and spontaneous. It's a unique glimpse behind the scenes of a group which European and British critics have hailed as one of themost exciting and exploratory in the world.
Painting "Crest" by Bridget Riley
Cover by Uwe Nettelbeck
Notes: Original album without track titles. Some were specified on later reprints.
A: Side One
B: Side Two
傑作"The Faust Tapes"オリジナル。曲名のクレジットは無い。いつも新しく、聴くたびに発見がある宝箱盤。
過去数バージョンがリリースされ、Recommended Recordsリリース(1980)は同じ内容でジャケットが異なり、その後のCDリリース(1995, 2000)は同じ内容だが曲名がクレジットされ、紛らわしい事に"Munic & Elsewhere"(Recommended Records 1986)のジャケットが使用されている。
毎度 興味深い音源有難う御座います。
返信削除Another wonderful post!!
返信削除Thank you~~~!
返信削除Thanks, min-min san! Your readers will find more rare Faust (and your Faust posts) indexed in my megapost over at edo's: Cheers and thanks, Dave Sez.