
MZUI / bcGilbert/gLewis/russellMills (1982)

MZUI / bcGilbert/gLewis/russellMills (1982)
Label: Cherry Red (UK)
Catalog#: BRED 27
Format: Vinyl, LP

This record and the accompanying selected photographs are the result of a recording installation project which, once set into operation, provided an opportunity to utilize and experiment with various sound sources. "Instruments" and objects, constructed from diverse materials found in and around The Waterloo Gallery and Studios, were daily introduced throughout the three week period. A number of microphones were and record the environment and its resonance to the manipulated, incidental and accidental sounds from without and within the gallery.

Photography – Martin Axon, Angela Conway, Graham Lewis
Sound Equipment - Brittania Row
Mixed at Blackwing Studio
Engineers - Eric Radcliffe, John Fryer

Notes: Comes in a clear plastic jacket, wrapped in a 6 pages 12" foldable printed sheet with photos, inside a black sleeve.
The exhibition was held at Waterloo Gallery, 23 Gray Street, London SE1 between 8th and 31st of August 1981.

A: Mzui (Part One)
B: Mzui (Part Two)

Wireメンバー二人と、David SylvianやEno、NINのアルバムジャケットで知られる画家/グラフィックデザイナーのRussell Millsが"Waterloo Gallery"にて行ったサウンドインスタレーションをライヴ録音したもの。
Bruce GilbertとGraham Lewisは、ポップ志向だったColin Newmanに対し、"Dome"、"BC Gilbert & G Lewis"、"Cupol"等で実験的でミニマルなアヴァンギャルドな側面を"Wire"においても担っていた。1979リリースのWire 3rd Album"154"の初回付属の7"EPで最初の実験がリリースされるが、それはWireの有名な発言「ロックじゃなければ何でもいい」さながら、シンプルでポップなメロディーの断片をテープエフェクトとフィールドレコーディング(掃除機の音等)でミックスするというものだった。

1 件のコメント:

  1. The links seems to be dead. Can you please reupload this very interesting album? I thank you in advance!
