Beat Rhythm News - Waddle Ya Play ? / Essential Logic (1979)
Label: Rough Trade (UK) ROUGH 5
Format: Vinyl, LP
Arranged by Essential Logic
Produced by Hugh Jones , Lora Logic
Writte by Lora Logic
Recorded and mixed at Foel Studios
Artwork by Zut Graphics
A1: Quality Crayon Wax OK
A2: The Order Form
A3: Shabby Abbott
A4: World Friction
B1: Wake Up
B2: Albert
B3: Alkaline Loaf In The Area
B4: Collecting Dust
B5: Popcorn Boy (Waddle Ya Do?)
存在感と才能に溢れる LoLa Logic のソロアルバム(ROUGH 28)の3年前にリリースされた、彼ら唯一のアルバム。完成されたぎこちなさが失踪する40分。Freestyle Post Punkとでも呼ぼうか。全てのシングルとは別バージョン。
thankk you for your great choices, am having a lovely morning riffling through the blog being surprised at the content and downloading much sweet, sweet tunes. cheers!
返信削除Thanks for re-upping all the Essential Logic!
返信削除Hallo, You have a fantastic blog!
返信削除Sadly, I've discovered it only today...
Is it possible to re-upload this post?
If you have the time it will be wonderful to have re-uploads of all Essential Logic posts.