
Money / The Flying Lizards (1979)

Money / The Flying Lizards (1979)
Label: Virgin (UK)
Catalog#: VS 276
Format: Vinyl, 7"(Single)

Credits: Produced by David Cunningham
Photography by Richard Rayner-Canham

A: Money
   Written by Berry Gordy Jr., Janie Bradford
B: Money B

此れと"Summertime Blues"が売れた。制作費が20ドルだのドラムの代わりにダンボール使っただの風呂場で録音しただの一発屋だのインテリだのヘタウマだのNew Waveだの消費社会へのアンチテーゼだのダダイストだの、言われていたがオレにとっては至極スマートなポストパンク、もしくは完璧なコンテンポラリー・ポピュラーミュージックだった。音楽そのものを聴かずに楽器の音しか聴いていない演奏者は多いが、非音楽家の彼がこの後も素晴らしいのはそこにヒントが有る。所有していないが落ちていた"Summertime Blues"(7inchから録音)もオマケで。


Stalin Wasn't Stalling / Robert Wyatt - Peter Blackman (1980)

Stalin Wasn't Stalling / Robert Wyatt - Peter Blackman (1980)
Label: Rough Trade (UK)
Catalog#: RT 046
Format: Vinyl, 7"(Single)

'From the time the Russians came into the war, they contended, most of the time, with four fifths of the German Army, and never with less than three quarters'. (A.J.P. Taylor) 

The cover photograph was taken in the USSR in May 1945 by Yevgeni Khaldei (from the David King Collection, London) 

Engineered by Skipper Kidron

A: Robert Wyatt - Stalin Wasn't Stalling
   Written by W. Johnson
B: Peter Blackman - Stalingrad
   Written by Peter Blackman

前日に引き続きRough Trade発、Robert Wyattの7"Singleを2枚。どちらも本人のみでは無くスプリットまたはコラボレーション。此の盤のB面はPeter Blackmanによるポエトリー・リーディングだが、2枚とも相変わらずブレの無い政治的内容の選曲。

Stalingrad by Peter Blackman

Hushed was the world
And oh, dark agony that suspense shook upon us
While hate came flooding o'er your wide savannas
Plunging pestilence against you -
All that stood to state: "Where men meet
There meets one human race!"
Therefore did men from Moscow to the Arctic
Rounding Vladivostok to the South where Kazbek lifts its peak
Still work and working waited news of Stalingrad
And from Cape to white Sahara
Men asked news of Stalingrad
Town and village waited what had come of Stalingrad
The tom-tom beat across thick forest
While every evening at Palava
Old men told of Stalingrad
The gauchos caught the pampas whisper
The windswept hope of Stalingrad
And in the far Canadian north
Trappers left their baiting for the latest out of Stalingrad
In the factories and coal fields
Each shift waited what last had come from Stalingrad
While statesmen searched the dispatch boxes
What they brought of Stalingrad
And women stopped at house work
Held their children close to hear
What was afoot at Stalingrad
For well men knew that there
A thousand years was thrown the fate of the peoples
Stalingrad, oh star of glory
Star of hope, oh star of flame
Oh what a midwife for this glory
Take for the pattern Pavlov and his men
A soviet soldier and his nine companions
Who full seven weeks sleepless by night and day
Fought nor gave ground
They knew that with them lay
That where men meet should meet one human race
Carpenters who had built houses
Wanted only to build more
Painters who still painted pictures
Wanted only to paint more
Men who sang life strong in laughter
Wanted only to sing more
Men who planted wheat and cotton
Wanted only to plant more
Men who set the years in freedom
Sure they would be slaves no more
They spoke peace to their neighbours in tilling
For in peace they would eat their bread
Uzbeks, Tatars, Letts, Ukranians
Russians, Muscovites, Armenians
Who ringed forests wide around arctic
Brought sands to blossom, tundras dressed for spring
These kept faith in Stalin's town
We may not weep for those who silent now rest here
Garland these graves
These lives have garlanded all our remaining days with hope
Stalingrad, oh star of glory
Star of hope, here spread your flame
Now when news broke that Stalingrad
Still lives upon the banks of Volga
That Stalingrad was still a Soviet town
Then the turner flung his lathe light as a bird
And the gaucho spread his riot in the pampas
For this news of Stalingrad
The tom-tom beat wild madness
When the elders brought Palava these tidings out of Stalingrad
The English housewife stopped her housework
Held her child close and cried aloud
Now all men will be free!
And from Good Hope, black miners answered
This will help us to be free!
In the prison camps of Belsen
Sick men rounded from their guards
Now life was certain
Soon all men would be free
New light broke upon Africa
New strength for her peoples
New trength poured upon Asia
New hope for her peoples
America dreamed new dreams
From the strength of her peoples
New men arose in Europe
New force for her peoples
Once more they stand these men
At lathe and spindle
To recreate their hours and each new day
Bid houses rise once more in Soviet country
Men ring forests wide round arctic
Move rivers into deserts
And with high courage
Breed new generations
For still the land is theirs
Uzbeks, Tatars, Letts, Armenians
Caucasians, Muscovites, Crimeans
Still they speak peace to their neighbours at tilling
To all the wide world
And men come near to listen
Find by that day of Stalingrad
That this voice is theirs
Then Red Star spread your flame upon me
For in your flame is earnest of my freedom
Now may I rendezvous with the world
Now may I join man's wide-flung diversity
For Stalingrad is still a Soviet town

The Wind Of Change / Robert Wyatt & SWAPO Singers (1985)

The Wind Of Change / Robert Wyatt & SWAPO Singers (1985)
Label: Rough Trade (UK)
Catalog#: RT 168
Format: Vinyl, 7"(Single)

Credits: Produced and Arranged by Jerry Dammers
Notes: SWAPO = South West African People's Organisation

A: The Wind Of Change
B: Namibia

Two-Tone Recordsの創設者であるJerry Dammersがプロデュース。SWAPO=南西アフリカ人民機構についてはWikiを参照。


Shipbuilding / Robert Wyatt (1982)

Shipbuilding / Robert Wyatt (1982)
Label: Rough Trade (UK)
Catalog#: RT 115
Format: Vinyl, 7"(Single)

Credits: Robert Wyatt: The Voice
Dave MacRae: The Rest

Cover Painting - Stanley Spencer, Detail from Shipbuilding On The Clyde : Riveters. Reproduced by courtesy of the Trustees of The Imperial War Museum.

Uncredited: Recorded: 1982.07.23 at Eden Studios
Backing Vocals, Guitar - Elvis Costello 
Double Bass - Mark Bedford 
Drums - Martin Hughes 
Organ - Clive Langer 
Percussion - Robert Wyatt 
Piano - Steve Nieve

Notes: This 7" was released with four different fold-out picture sleeves 
Riggers: Workers with ropes on cover
Riggers 2: Workers with tarpaulins on cover
Riveters: Workers hammering on cover
Riveters 2: Worker with brazier on cover

A: Shipbuilding
   Written by C. Langer, E. Costello 
B: Memories Of You
   Written by Andy Razat, Eubie Blake

此のコンピレーションに収録済みだが、E. Costelloの名曲なのでRough TradeのSingleで再度。B面は著名なスタンダードジャズだが、朝靄の中から聞こえてくるかの様な今回も素晴らしいWyatt翁の声に昇天。


Silent Command / Cabaret Voltaire (1979)

Silent Command / Cabaret Voltaire (1979)
Label: Rough Trade (UK)
Catalog#: RT 035
Format: Vinyl, 7"(Single)

Credits: Recorded - Produced C.V. Western Works Oct.1979

A: Silent Command
B: Extract From Soundtrack For "Chance Versus Causality"

Rough Tradeから1st Single "Nag Nag Nag"に続く2nd  Single。前作に比べて熱の低い仕上がりだが、ひしゃげた声に絡むサウンドはそのままで此れは此れで良い。


Sort Of / Slapp Happy (1980)

Sort Of / Slapp Happy (1980)
Label: Recommended Records (UK)
Catalog#: RR 5.5
Format: Vinyl, LP

Credits: Recorded at Wümme (Germany) May & June 1972. 
Originally released on Polydor in 1972. Limited "special" re-release, only distributed through the international Recommended Records network
Vocals, Tambourine, Woodblock, Piano (A4, B1) by Dagmar Krause 
Guitar, Vocals (B4), Saxophone (B4)  and Written by Peter Blegvad 
Guitar, Keyboards and Written by Anthony Moore
Bass by Jean-Hervé Peron
Saxophone by Gunther Wüsthoff (A2, B2)
Drums by Werner Diermaier
Produced by Uwe Nettelbeck
Engineered by Kurt Graupner
Artwork by David Larcher 

Notes: Slapp Happy with four of six members of Faust as their backup band

A1: Just A Conversation
A2: Paradise Express
A3: I Got Evil
A4: Little Girl's World
A5: Tutankhamun
A6: Mono Plane
B1: Blue Flower
B2: I'm All Alone
B3: Who's Gonna Help Me Now
B4: Small Hands Of Stone
B5: Sort Of
B6: Heading For Kyoto

彼らの1st Album(Polydor)のRecommended Recordsからの再リリース。Faustの協力を得て制作されるが当時は全く売れなかったため予定されていた2nd Albumは中止となる。その後1974年にVirginよりリリースされるが、本アルバムよりもポップにすることが条件だったらしい。この盤はおまけにPeter Blegvadの7" Single付き(下に記載)。曲は片面のみで、もう片面は手彫りのエッチング(残念ながら写真に収めるのが難しく断念)。2000年に奇跡の来日(なんと札幌にも。行けた人間は皆不幸になれば良い)。彼らの盤は漏れ無く名盤である。

Alcohol / Peter Blegvad (1981)

Alcohol / Peter Blegvad (1981)
Label: Recommended Records (UK)
Catalog#: RR 5.75
Format: Vinyl, 7", Single Sided, Etched

Performer, Recorded BY Anthony Moore 
Performer, Recorded By, Artwork By - Peter Blegvad

Notes: One-sided 7", side B has etching of grapes. Some copies came as bonus 7" with subscription copies of Slapp Happy's "Sort Of" LP (RR 5.5).

Alcohol was recorded as a demo for the Slapp Happy/Henry Cow album Desperate Straights in 1974 by Peter Blegvad and Anthony Moore. 

Also this 7" was later included in the "16 Dance Party Smash Hits!" box set of 16, 7" records put out in 1985 as a Re and Recommended 7th Anniversary Commemorative Issue. 

A: Alcohol



Jazz The Glass / Cabaret Voltaire (1981)

Jazz The Glass / Cabaret Voltaire (1981)
Label: Rough Trade (UK)
Catalog#: RT 095
Format: Vinyl, 7"(Limited Edition Single)

Credits: Recorded: Western Works, July 1981
Notes:  Available only as a bonus with initial copies of Eddie's Out 12"Single (RTT 096)

A: Jazz The Glass
B: Burnt To The Ground



Eostre / Zoviet France (1984)

Eostre / Zoviet France (1984)
Label: Red Rhino Records (UK)
Catalog#: REDLP 45
Format: 2 x Vinyl, LP, Album

Credits:  (All Uncredited)
Concept, Artwork (Labels) by Robin Storey
Artwork (Latex Insert) by Paolo Di Paolo
Artwork (Tissue Paper) by Ben Ponton
Composed, Performe and Produced by Ben Ponton, Paolo Di Paolo, Robin Storey

Notes: 1st release, not the 1985 remastered issue
Outer cover is printed fold-out Tissue paper
Inner cover is printed white latex

A1: Shout The Storm
A2: Circle
B1: Hymen
B2: Gustr
B3: Kirke
C1: Pearroc
C2: Regn
C3: Bell
C4: Cad Goddeau
D1: Wadis
D2: Angelus
D3: Neptune

Norsch (1983)の翌年リリースされた5thアルバム。例のジャケットだが、外装はA2サイズ程のティッシュペーパー、内装は塩化ビニールに2枚組が包まれているといったもの。共にいつものドローイングがシルクスクリーン印刷されている。此の盤が一番良く聴くため外装はボロボロである。其の事も彼らの想定済みだろうと成るように保管しているが、やはり取り出しには慎重にならざるを得ない辺りも彼らの思惑通りか。2枚所有しているので其々の画像も入れておいた。


Couldn't Bear To Be Special / Prefab Sprout (1984)

Couldn't Bear To Be Special / Prefab Sprout (1984)
Label: Kitchenware Records (UK)
Catalog#: SK 10
Format: Vinyl, 7"(Single)

Credits: The Single from the debut L.P. 'Swoom'
Written by Paddy McAloon
Produced by David Brewis (A), Prefab Sprout (A,B)
Engineer - Jon Anderson Turner (A), Andy Todd (B)
Drums - David Ruffy

A: Couldn't Bear To Be Special
B: Spinning Belinda

彼らの1stアルバムからのシングル。此頃からPaddy McAloonの才能は特別だった。早くからコンテンポラリー・ポピュラーミュージックの扉を開ける鍵を持っていた彼は、Brian Wilson同様に其の才能と引き換えに人生のいくつかを失ってしまったが、其の全てが彼の創りだす音楽に散りばめられているようで愛おしくてたまらない。バンドは現在彼だけになってしまったが、今も才能は色褪せることなく輝いている。


Rome Remains Rome / Holger Czukay (1987)

Rome Remains Rome / Holger Czukay (1987)
Label: Virgin (UK)
Catalog#: V 2408
Format: Vinyl, LP

Credits: Produced by Holger Czukay
Jaki Liebezeit - Drums, Trumpet, Piano, Perc.
Michael Karoli - Guitar
Sheldon (Kelly) Ancel - Vocals
Jah Wobble - Bass
Olli Marland - Guitar, Piano
Holger Czukay - Guitar, Organ, Abs-Bass, French Horn, Vocals, Synth., Radio

We were blessed by the appearance of his holiness polestar Wojtyla and his swinging nuns during the easter ceremonies.

Cecilia De Medeiros - Cover Design

A1: Hey Baba Beebop  03:53
A2: Blessed Easter  08:51
A3: Sudetenland  07:22
B1: Hit Hit Flop Flop  03:34
B2: Perfect World  10:33
B3: Music In The Air  05:13



When It All Comes Down / Miaow (1987)

When It All Comes Down / Miaow (1987)
Label: Factory (UK)
Catalog#: FAC 179
Format: Vinyl, 12"(EP)

Credits: Produced by Paul Kendall
Engineered by Mel Jefferson at Southern Studios, London (A, B2)
Engineered by Paul Kendall at Addis Abbaba Studios, London (B1)
More Guitar by Steve Maguire (B1)
Soprano Sax from Terry Edwards (B1)

Miaow are:
Ron Caine: Bass/Guitar/Backing Vocals
Cath Carroll: Vocals/Guitar
Chris Fenner: Drums

Richard Boon, Captain Dog, Brian O'Neill and Paul Smith will be remembered in our prayers
Sleeve: Cath/Brian/Slim Smith
Photography: Parker

A: When It All Comes Down (Catechism)  7:17
B1: Did She  3:40
B2: When It All Comes Down  3:25
