
Sweets / World Of Twist (1991)

Sweets / World Of Twist (1991)

Label: Circa Records Ltd.(UK)
Catalog#: YRT 72
Format: Vinyl, 12" (EP)

Produced by Dave Ball and Richard Norris (The Grid)
Recording Engineer - Nick Hopkins
Mix Engineer - Richard Evans

A: Sweets (Album Version)
B1: Sweets (Barrett 200 Mix)
B2: This Too Shall Pass Away (Chat)

当時米国ではGrange、英国はManchester Boom。
センス良し、曲良し。英国人はこういうのホント巧い。うっすらと漂うBlack Musicの影深し。ただ、Manchester出身だと思ってたら、Sheffieldだった。納得。

Sons Of The Stage / World Of Twist (1991)

Sons Of The Stage / World Of Twist (1991)

Label: Circa Records Ltd.(UK)
Catalog#: YRT 62
Format: Vinyl, 12" (EP)

Produced and Mixed by Clif Brigden
Engineered by Steve Chase

Backing Vocals - Viv Dixon
Film Produced by Angela Riley
Cover and Additional Photographs by James Fly

A1: Sons Of The Stage (7" Version) 4:50
A2: Sons Of The Stage (12" Version) 4:54
B: Life And Death (Remix) 6:03
Remix - Clif Brigden

The Storm / World Of Twist (1990)

The Storm / World Of Twist (1990)

Label: Circa Records Ltd.(UK)
Catalog#: YRT 55
Format: Vinyl, 12"EP

Produced by Clif Brigden (A1, B2),
Martin Hannett and World Of Twist (A2, B1)
Engineerd by Hugo Nicholson (A1, B2),
Liam Mullen (A2),
John Pennington, Spencer Birtwistle (B1)

Vocals - Tony Ogden
Sea Noises - M.C. Shells
Drums - Monti (A1, B2)
Portraits - Adge, James Fry

A1: The Storm (12" Version) 6:30
A2: She's A Rainbow 4:20
B1: She's A Rainbow (12" Version) 5:02
B2: The Storm 3:23

短命だが惜しいバンド。Martin Hannett 最後の作品か。


Le Chant De La Honte! / Chiko Hige x Kaoru Sato (1985)

Le Chant De La Honte!
/ Chiko Hige x Kaoru Sato (1985)

Label: Telegraph Records (Japan)
Catalog#: TGEP-026
Format: Vinyl, 12"EP

Credits: Musique - Chiko Hige, Kaoru Sato
Texte de - Taro Tominaga
Producteur - Higo, Sato
Art Direction - Outer Directs

Batterie, Sax Alto, Basse(A, B1), Voix(A, B1) - Chiko Hige
Voix, Percussion au Doigt, Bruit, Piano(B1) - Kaoru Sato
Clarinette Basse(A, B1), Basse(A), Guitare à Douze Cordes(B2) - Elliott Sharp
Claviers(A, B2) - Banana
Tabla(A, B1) - Mato

Face A: Le Chant De La Honte!
Face B1: La Table Nerveuse
Face B2: Le Silhouette

Honte!(オント) honte!(オント)
眼玉の 蜻蛉(とんぼ)
わが身を 攫(さら)へ
わが身を 啖(くら)へ

Honte! honte!
燃え立つ 焜爐(こんろ)
わが身を 焦がせ
わが身を 鎔かせ

Honte! honte!
干割れた 咽喉(のんど)
わが身を 涸らせ
わが身を 曝らせ

Honte! honte!

【恥の歌 / 富永太郎】

チコ・ヒゲ(ex-The Contortions, Friction)と佐藤薫(EP-4)のユニット。


Buy Or Die 1980 / Various (1980)

Buy Or Die 1980 / Various (1980)

Label: Ralph Records (US)
Catalog#: RR 8007-E
Format: Vinyl, 7"(EP)

Credits: Artwork by Gary Panter
Notes: Selections from four albums released by Ralph Records.

A1: MX-80 Sound - Don't Blame It On Me
A2: Snakefinger - Here Comes The Bums
B1: Tuxedomoon - 7 Years
B2: The Residents - The Festival Of Death (Excerpt)

Ralph Recordsがそれ以降のアンダーグラウンド・ミュージックに与えた影響は少なくない。アメリカ産のこのレーベルが、いやThe Residentsがアメリカに存在していなければ、No WaveもGrungeも存在しなかったはずだ。

I've uploaded the file again.


Kaw-Liga (Housey Mix) / The Residents (1989)

Kaw-Liga (Housey Mix) / The Residents (1989)

Label: Torso (Netherlands)
Catalog#: TORSO 12110
Format: Vinyl, 12"(EP)

Credits: Remixed by The Moody Boys
Written by Williams/Rose
Package Design by Rex Ray

A: Kaw-Liga (The Housey Mix) 5:18
B1: Kaw-Liga (The Stripped Mix) 5:24
B2: Kaw-Liga (Nightmare Mix II) 5:05

Hank Williamsのカバー。1986年にRalphからに7 inchにて最初のリリース。同年TorsoよりRemix。その後毎年各国からリリースされ、1989年にThe Moody Boys: Remixの本盤が初リリースされる。


Satisfaction / The Residents (1978)

Satisfaction / The Residents (1978)

Label: Ralph Records (US)
Catalog#: RR 7803
Format: Vinyl, 7"(Single)Yellow Transparent

Credits: Featuring Snakefinger on Lead Guitar; Don Jackovich, Percussion; and Backing Stylists, The Pointless Sisters.
Cover Art Delightfully Designed by Pore-No Graphics.
Produced by The Residents. Previously Released in 1976.

Notes: This 1978 re-release of the rare 1976 original was an edition of 30,000 copies pressed on transparent yellow vinyl and in a slightly redesigned 2 colour sleeve.

A: Satisfaction
B: Loser = Weed



What Wilbur? / Snakefinger (1979)

What Wilbur? / Snakefinger (1979)

Label: Ralph Records (US)
Catalog#: RR WIL7907
Format:Vinyl, 7" (Single)

Credits: Cover Art by Gary Panter
Written and Produced by Snakefinger and The Residents

A: What Wilbur?
B: Kill The Great Raven

不安を呼び起こすいつもの歪んだギターと、この頃キレていたGary Panterのジャケットが素晴らしい。


The Spot / Snakefinger (1978)

The Spot / Snakefinger (1978)

Label: Ralph Records (US)
Catalog#: RR7805
Format: Vinyl, 7"(Single) Blue Transparent

Credits: Produced by The Residents
All Instruments and Vocals by Snakefinger Lithman
except: D. Jackovich, percussion on "The Spot"
The Residents, percussion on "Smelly Tougues"
Cover Art by Pore/No Graphics

Notes: Edition of 35,000.
The Residents co-wrote The Spot (which also appears on Nibbles) and perform Smelly Tongues with Snakefinger (this is a cover version of one of The Residents own tracks taken from their debut "Meet The Residents" album).

A: The Spot
B: Smelly Tongues

英Pub Rock Band「Chilli Willi & The Red Hot Peppers」脱退後、サンフランシスコでThe Residentsと出会う彼は、その指の動きからSnekefingerと呼ばれる。The Residentsにとって彼は何者だったのか。そして彼にとってThe Residentsは何者だったのか。合掌。

Slow Motion / Ultravox (1978)

Slow Motion / Ultravox (1978)

Label: Island Records (UK)
Catalog#: WIP 6454
Format: Vinyl, 7"(Single)

Produced and Engineered by Ultravox and Conny Plank
Front Cover - John Foxx
Design - Bloomfield Travis

A: Slow Motion
B: Dislocation

A面は名曲。Conny Plankに駄作無し。おまけに2nd"Ha!-Ha!-Ha!"より「Hiroshima Mon Amour」も。このリズムボックスが好きだ。

Retro / Ultravox! (1978)

Retro / Ultravox! (1978)

Label: Island Records (UK)
Catalog#: IEP 8
Format: Vinyl, 7"(EP)

Produced by Steve Lillywhite and Ultravox!

A1: The Man Who Dies Every Day
Recorded live at Huddersfield Polytechnic.
A2: Young Savage
Recorded live at The Marquee.
B1: The Wild, The Beautiful And The Damned
Recorded live at The Rainbow.
B2: My Sex
Recorded live at Huddersfield Polytechnic.


Rockwrok / Ultravox! (1977)

Rockwrok / Ultravox! (1977)

Label: Island Records (UK)
Catalog#: WIP 6404
Format: Vinyl, 7"(Single)

Credits: Produced by Ultravox! and Steve Lillywhite
Engineered by Steve Lillywhite

A: Rockwrok
B: Hiroshima Mon Amour

この”Hiroshima Mon Amour”は2ndLP収録のものとは別バージョン。

Young Savage / Ultravox! (1977)

Young Savage / Ultravox! (1977)

Label: Island Records (UK)
Catalog#: WIP 6392
Format: Vinyl, 7"(Single)

Credits: Produced by Steve Lillywhite, Ultravox!
Notes: Track B was recorded live at the Rainbow, London.

A: Young Savage
B: Slip Away

Ultravox!とソロアルバムの全てのジャケットを手がけるVocal - John Foxxのセンスと、そのぶれない姿勢には今でも学ぶ事が多い。


I, Individual / Gloria Mundi (1978)

I, Individual / Gloria Mundi (1978)

Label: RCA (UK)
Catalog#: PL 25157
Format: Vinyl, LP

Produced by Ian Bennett, Ian Taylor
Vocals - Eddie Mealov
Keyboards, Vocals - Sunshine
Guitar - Beethoven
Saxophone - C.C.
Drums - Mike Nicholls
Bass - Ice
Sleeve Design by Jacey & Gloria Mundi

A1: The Pack
A2: Condemned To Be Free
A3: Daughters Of Rich Men
A4: I Like Some Men
B1: I, Individual
B2: You Talk
B3: Park Lane
B4: Split Personality
B5: Victim

「Ultravox!」が「Tiger Lily」だった頃、Eddie Mealov は彼らをバックにパントマイムを演っていたらしい。RCAと裏ジャケで判る様にDavid Bowie ファンだったろう彼らはシングル2枚とアルバム2枚と短命であったが、この1stはオールドスタイルな物語と、パンクの蒼い疾走感が素晴らしい。プロデュースワークと共に非常に完成度が高い隠れた名盤。なお、C.C.は「Ultravox!」2nd「Hiroshima Mon Amour」でのサックスが印象的。


Mind Your Own Business / Delta 5 (1979)

Mind Your Own Business / Delta 5 (1979)

Label: Rough Trade (UK)
Catalog#: RT 031
Format: Vinyl, 7" (Single)

Credits: Produced by Rob Warr, D5

A: Mind Your Own Business
B: Now That You've Gone

Gang Of Fourしかり、"Dance Beat"を基軸としたインディーズは、"Post Punk"において数多く存在した。平行して当時メジャー音楽業界の主流にあった"New Wave"にも、それはより顕著であった。が、その反面、例えば「Throbbing Gristle」から「SPK」へと、一部のアンダーグラウンドな音楽はより深化していったのだが、不思議とその全てを隔てなく聴けたのが、Punkを背景にした同時代音楽ゆえのマジックであった。

Anticipation / Delta 5 (1980)

Anticipation / Delta 5 (1980)

Label: Rough Trade (UK)
Catalog#: RT 041
Format: Vinyl, 7" (Single)

Credits: Produced by Delta 5 (Track B), Rob Warr
Engineered by Dave Andrews
Recorded at Foel Studios, Wales, Feb'80.
Cover - Jon (Helped by Ralph)
Guitar - Alan, Voice - Julz, Voice, Bass - Bethan, Bass - Ros, Drums - Kelv

A: Anticipation
AA: You

Try / Delta 5 (1980)

Try / Delta 5 (1980)

Label: Rough Trade (UK)
Catalog#: RT 061
Format: Vinyl, 7" (Single)

Credits:Trumpet - Jeff Evans, Alto and Tenor Saxes - Chris Kane, Andrew Marcus, Absent Marson

A: Try
AA: Colour

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