
The Last LP / Faust (1988)
Label: ReR Megacorp (UK)
Catalog#: ReR 36
Format: Vinyl, LP (Limited Edition)

Being the unreleased "Faust Party" tapes (some of which have appeared previously on limited edition collector's eps and singles, and three of which have never previously appeared at all). 
Recorded in Germany in 1971.

Notes: First edition limited to 1988 numbered copies with a silkscreened jacket. Later an unnumbered second edition was done with different colors used for the screen printing of the cover.
"Party 7" is not mentioned on the sleeve, but is listed on the labels.

A1: Party 2
A2: Party 8
A3: Psalter
A4: Party 7
A5: Party 5
B1: Party 1
B2: Party 3
B3: Party 6
B4: Party 4


Munic & Elsewhere / Faust (1986)

Munic & Elsewhere / Faust (1986)
Label: Recommended Records (UK)
Catalog#: RR / 25
Format: Vinyl, LP, Compilation, Remastered 

Credits: Compiled from various unreleased tapes intended for release, including work done after their "disappearance".
Remastered at Cold Storage by Bill Gilonis. Cut by Tim Young at CBS. Pressed by Statetune.
Cover drawn by Louis O'Neil of Cultural Partnerships Ltd.; linographic print by Jim and Norman of Computer Graphics Factory; screened by Third Step Printworks.

Notes: First 1000 copies on white vinyl. Recorded 1975 at Arabella, Munic.

A1: Munic / Yesterday  11:52
A2: Don't Take Roots  4:49
A3: Meer  2:43
B1: Munic / Other  11:47
B2: Baby  4:18
B3: We Are The Hallo Men  4:29

粗野な反復とDream Machine的覚醒。そうか此れはCut Upだったのだ。


The Faust Tapes / Faust (1973)

The Faust Tapes / Faust (1973)
Label: Virgin (UK)
Catalog#: VC 501

Credits: The music on this album, drawn from Faust's own library of private tapes, was recorded informally and not originally intended for release. However, since British interest in the group has been unusually great, it has been decided to make some of this unofficial material available to the public in this country. These tapes been left exactly as they were recorded - frequently live - and no post-production work has been imposed on them. The group wish to make it clear that this not to be regarded at their third album, but a bonus release - on sale at the current price of a single - to mark their signing with Virgin Records, for whom they will shortly be recording their next official album. The Faust Tapes reveals Faust at their most personal and spontaneous. It's a unique glimpse behind the scenes of a group which European and British critics have hailed as one of themost exciting and exploratory in the world.

Painting "Crest" by Bridget Riley
Cover by Uwe Nettelbeck

Notes: Original album without track titles. Some were specified on later reprints.

A: Side One
B: Side Two

傑作"The Faust Tapes"オリジナル。曲名のクレジットは無い。いつも新しく、聴くたびに発見がある宝箱盤。

過去数バージョンがリリースされ、Recommended Recordsリリース(1980)は同じ内容でジャケットが異なり、その後のCDリリース(1995, 2000)は同じ内容だが曲名がクレジットされ、紛らわしい事に"Munic & Elsewhere"(Recommended Records 1986)のジャケットが使用されている



Fire From Heaven / The Good Missionaries (1979)

Fire From Heaven / The Good Missionaries (1979)
Label: Deptford Fun City (UK)
Catalog#: DLP 04
Format: Vinyl, LP 

Drums, Saxophone – Henry Badowski
Bass Guitar – Dennis Burns
Guitar, Chime Bars, Whoopee Flute, Percussion, Melodica, Vocals – Dave George
Vocals, Recorder – Gillian Hanna
Guitar, Organ, Percussion, Clarinet, Vocals – Mark Perry

Special Assistance From:
Vocals – Sooze (A4, B4), Flute – Glyn Collins (A2), Bass – Paul Reekie (B1, B2), Mark+Simon - Pop Grouping
Sound - Kif Kif
Produced by The Good Missionaries, June 1979

Recorded live on the Animal Instincts Tour 1979
at St Andrews Uni 13/05/1979 (A1, A2 and B3)
at Manchester Uni 19/05/1979 (A3, B1 and B2)
at Liverpool Eric's 02/06/1979 (A4)
at Bristol Locarno 04/06/1979 (B4)

Front Cover Art Work by Mark Cheltenham
Photo by Mike Laye
Layout by Tubs

A1: Another Coke / The Body
A2: The Force Is Blind
A3: Thief Of Fire
Written by The Pop Group
A4: The Radio Story / Strange Looks
B1: Fire From Heaven
B2: Release The Natives
B3: Fellow Sufferer In Dub
B4: Bugger The Cat

"Alternative TV"のライヴ限定バンドで"The Pop Group"のメンバーも参加。過去ライヴは4〜5回ほどで本盤はその一部から。
2007年にVinal JapanからリリースされたCDには、2枚の7"(Single+EP)がボーナス収録。


MZUI / bcGilbert/gLewis/russellMills (1982)

MZUI / bcGilbert/gLewis/russellMills (1982)
Label: Cherry Red (UK)
Catalog#: BRED 27
Format: Vinyl, LP

This record and the accompanying selected photographs are the result of a recording installation project which, once set into operation, provided an opportunity to utilize and experiment with various sound sources. "Instruments" and objects, constructed from diverse materials found in and around The Waterloo Gallery and Studios, were daily introduced throughout the three week period. A number of microphones were and record the environment and its resonance to the manipulated, incidental and accidental sounds from without and within the gallery.

Photography – Martin Axon, Angela Conway, Graham Lewis
Sound Equipment - Brittania Row
Mixed at Blackwing Studio
Engineers - Eric Radcliffe, John Fryer

Notes: Comes in a clear plastic jacket, wrapped in a 6 pages 12" foldable printed sheet with photos, inside a black sleeve.
The exhibition was held at Waterloo Gallery, 23 Gray Street, London SE1 between 8th and 31st of August 1981.

A: Mzui (Part One)
B: Mzui (Part Two)

Wireメンバー二人と、David SylvianやEno、NINのアルバムジャケットで知られる画家/グラフィックデザイナーのRussell Millsが"Waterloo Gallery"にて行ったサウンドインスタレーションをライヴ録音したもの。
Bruce GilbertとGraham Lewisは、ポップ志向だったColin Newmanに対し、"Dome"、"BC Gilbert & G Lewis"、"Cupol"等で実験的でミニマルなアヴァンギャルドな側面を"Wire"においても担っていた。1979リリースのWire 3rd Album"154"の初回付属の7"EPで最初の実験がリリースされるが、それはWireの有名な発言「ロックじゃなければ何でもいい」さながら、シンプルでポップなメロディーの断片をテープエフェクトとフィールドレコーディング(掃除機の音等)でミックスするというものだった。


The "Sweetest Girl" / Scritti Politti (1981)

The "Sweetest Girl" / Scritti Politti (1981)
Label: Japan Record (Japan)
Catalog#: RT-11
Format: Vinyl, 7" Single

Piano – Robert Wyatt (A)
Engineer – Adam Kidron (A), Dave Anderson (B)

A: The "Sweetest Girl"  4:37
B: Confidence  3:04

Rough Tradeからの7"Singleを、Japan Recordが12枚連続リリースした画期的シリーズの一枚。



L'Homme À Tête De Chou / Serge Gainsbourg (1976)

L'Homme À Tête De Chou / Serge Gainsbourg (1976)
Label: Philips (France)
Catalog#: 548 432-1
Format: Vinyl, LP (2001 Reissue)

Notes: Originally released in 1976

A1: L'Homme À Tête De Chou  2:59
A2: Chez Max Coiffeur Pour Homme  1:57
A3: Marilou Reggae  2:08
A4:  Transit À Marilou  1:30
A5: Flash Forward  2:35
A6: Aéroplanes  2:35
A7: Premiers Symptomes  1:12
B1: Ma Lou Marilou  2:39
B2: Variations Sur Marilou  7:39
B3: Meurtre À L'Extincteur  0:47
B4: Marilou Sous La Neige  2:23
B5: Lunatic Asylum  3:20

「勝手にしやがれ」よりはましなタイトルだが、原題「キャベツの頭を持つ男」→邦題「くたばれキャベツ野郎」。”Melody Nelson”と似た傾向だがレゲエもありより多彩。
アナログは兎に角CDタイトルすら手に入りにくかった10年ほど前に"Cannabis”、”Melody Nelson”、”Love On The Beat”で彼を知り今に至るが、過去リリースされたアルバムCD20枚(未発表含む)BOXが、死後20周年という何が何だかわからない形でリリースされるとは夢にも思わず。二葉百合子じゃないんだから20枚組なんてどうしたら良いのか。


Histoire De Melody Nelson / Serge Gainsbourg (1971)

Histoire De Melody Nelson / Serge Gainsbourg (1971)
Label: Mercury (France)
Catalog#: 548 429-1
Format: Vinyl, LP (2001 Reissue)

Credits: Arrangements musical et orchestra, direction - Jean-Claude Vannier
Photos – Tony Frank
Notes: Gatefold reissue of the 1971 release

A1: Melody  7:33
A2: Ballade De Melody Nelson  2:00
A3: Valse De Melody  1:32
A4: Ah ! Melody  1:46
B1: L'Hotel Particulier  4:08
B2: En Melody  3:27
B3: Cargo Culte  7:40



I Want More - Can (1976)

I Want More - Can (1976)
Label: Virgin (UK)
Catalog#: VS 153
Format: Vinyl, 7"(Single)

Credits: Produced by Can
Lyrics by Peter Gilmour (A)
Music by Hans Liebezeit, Holger Schuring, Michael Karoli, Irmin Schmidt

A: I Want More  3:20
B: More  3:20

CanによるDisco。だが此れは1年後デビューするTalking Heads其の者なのだった。


Three Minute Symphony / Various (1984)

Three Minute Symphony / Various (1984)
Label: X Tract (UK)
Catalog#: XX 002
Format: 12"x2 Vinyl, LP

Credits: Compiled by Dave Henderson

A1: Kill Ugly Pop - Let's Get Real Gone (3:45) UK
A2: Ptôse - Waiting For My Soul (3:30) France
A3: Trax - Trax Co Mix 1 (3:12) Italy
A4: Die Tödliche Doris - Maria (2:45) West Germany
A5: Van Kaye & Ignit - A Slice Of The Action (3:30) Holland
A6: Bene Gesserit - White Men (3:10) Belgium

B1: Colin Potte - The State (2:57) UK
B2: Human Flesh - L'Ultima Storia (3:20) Belgium
B3: DDAA - Your Mother With A Cake (3:10) France
B4: Point Of Collapse - When Worlds Collide (3:10) UK
B5: David Jackman - Wolf (Part 2) (3:05) UK
B6: Sema - Untitled (3:20) UK

C1: Hunting Lodge - Tribal Warning Shot (2:58) USA
C2: Roll Kommando - Die Romantik Ist Tot (3:00) West Germany
C3: Stratis - I Fotia (2:58) West Germany
C4: Merzbow - Xa-Bungle (3:10) Japan
C5: Philip Johnson - Always Behind You (1:58) UK
C6: Conrad Schnitzler - Three Minute Symphony No 1 (3:00) West Germany

D1: Nagamatzu - Bird, Spider, Fly (3:05) UK
D2: Hurt - Money Matters (3:20) UK
D3: Nurse With Wound - Antacid Cocamotive 93 (3:50) UK
D4: The Legendary Pink Dots - No Bell, No Prize (3:52) UK
D5: Asmus Tietchens - Dahinter Industriegelande (3:10) West Germany
D6: Smegma - The Breathing Method (3:00) USA

Noiseコンピ二枚組。約3分にまとめられた24組のインターナショナルコンピである。先にリリースされた"The Elephant Table Album"が当時話題になったが本盤はその第二弾でアナログのみ。”The Elephant〜”はCDもリリースされているが現在Amazonで新品¥9,309〜、中古¥6,841〜だと。

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