
S.T. / The Undertones (1979)

S.T. / The Undertones (1979)
Label: Ardeck (Ireland) ARDM 1647391
Format: Vinyl, LP, Album, 1983 Reissue 

Credits: Produced, Engineered by Roger Bechirian

A1: Family Entertainment
A2: Girls Don't Like It
A3: Male Model
A4: I Gotta Getta
A5: Teenage Kicks
A6: Wrong Way
A7: Jump Boys
A8: Here Comes The Summer
B1: Get Over You
B2: Billy's Third
B3: Jimmy Jimmy
B4: True Confessions
B5: (She's) A Runaround
B6: I Know A Girl
B7: Listening In
B8: Casbah Rock

1979年リリースのオリジナル1stアルバムに、故John Peelのフェバリットソングで知られる"Teenage Kicks"他1曲(A5, B1)を追加した、故郷のレーベルからの再発盤。全て2分もしくは3分に満たない曲が計16曲、トータル34分の名盤である。パンクは政治的なニュアンスを持って生まれたが、彼らは"Ramones"よろしく女の子や自身の生活を歌った事が其の意味においてより本質的であった。問題定義や其れに付随する攻撃的なアプローチなどもパンクの存在意義だが、カウント1,2,3から2分半で完了するポップミュージックへの回帰(または奪還)も重要な存在意義であったのだ。兼価版のせいかノイズ多めだが其れさえも愛おしい。


The World As It Is Today / Art Bears (1981)

The World As It Is Today / Art Bears (1981)
Label: Recommended Records Japan (Japan) Rē 6622
Format: Vinyl, LP, 45 RPM 

Credits: see Discogs
Note: Includes small 20 pages booklet with lyrics and artwork, One-sided 7" on clear vinyl. (other side is printed in gray)

A1: The Song Of Investment Capital Overseas
A2: Truth
A3: Freedom
A4: (Armed) Peace
A5: Civilisation
B1: Democracy
B2: The Song Of The Martyrs
B3: Law
B4: The Song Of The Monopolists
B5: The Song Of The Dignity Of Labour Under Capital
B6: Albion, Awake!

Coda To "Man & Boy" / Art Bears (1981)
Label: Rē Records (UK) Re +h
Format: Vinyl, 7", One-sided Single

Credits: see Discogs

A: Coda To "Man & Boy"

ウラ面にシルクスクリーンプリントが施されたクリアービニール盤7インチと、小冊子の歌詞集が付属。配給はRecommended Records Japanで、日本語訳されたハンドメイドな歌詞シート付。

Thanks for Mr. Okuzumi.


Super-Electric / Stereolab (1991)

Super-Electric / Stereolab (1991)
Label: Too Pure (UK) PURE 4
Format: Vinyl, 10" EP 

Seaya Sadier - Vocals
Tim Gane - Guitar / Moog / Farfisa
Joe Dilworth - Drums
Gina Morris - Second Vocals on Tracks 1&3
Martin Kean - Bass
Engineer: Paul
Production: Tracks 2&3 Paul / Stereolab
Tracks 1&4 Robbs / Stereolab

A1: Super-Electric
A2: High Expectation
B1: The Way Will Be Opening
B2: Contact

俺は最高のリズムギタリストになりたいとLou Reedは言った。録音が不明瞭な"1969 The Velvet Underground Live"の何処が素晴らしいかと問われたら、Lou Reedのリズムギターと其れに絡みつくDoug Yuleのオルガンが醸しだす永遠に続くグルーヴに他ならない。初めて"Transient Random-Noise Bursts With Announcements (1993)"を聴いた際に、前述の言葉を思い出して以来Stereolabを聴き続けている。本盤はVU其のままといってもいいほどの内容が微笑ましい。グルーヴの秘密とモンドミュージックのあらましを獲得し昇華させた類まれなバンドである。


Live At Artists Space / Mars (2011)

Live At Artists Space / Mars (2011)
Label: Feeding Tube Records (US) FTR068
Format: Vinyl, LP

Credits: Recorded at Artist’s Space, NYC, May 6th, 1978
Set One - Recorded by Perry Brandston on a Nakamichi 550 Portable Cassette Recorder, using three mics.
Set Two - Recorded by Charles Ball using a binaural dummy.

Supervised by Mark Cunningham
Cassette transfers and pre mastering by Mark Alan Miller at Slaughterhouse Recording Studio
Special thanks to Foreign Frequency
Mastered by Paul Gold
Cover Photo Courtesy of Mark Cunningham
Produced by Byron Coley & Thurston Moore for Negative Glam NG#1

A1: 3E (Fragment)
A2: Cats
A3: 11000 Volts
A4: Helen Fordsdale
A5: Cairo
A6: Tunnel
A7: Hairwaves
A8: Puerto Rican Ghost
B1: 3E
B2: Cats
B3: 11000 Volts
B4: Helen Fordsdale
B5: Cairo
B6: Tunnel
B7: Hairwaves
B8: Puerto Rican Ghost

昨年リリースされた"No New York"の数ヶ月前に録られたライヴ。同日の録音をセット別にAB面に収録。聴く者が流血必至の凍てついた電気楽器で奏でられる完璧な音楽。疎らだがゆえの狂った客も最高だ。なお本盤はレコードのみリリース。NO MORE CD。


Garage Flower / The Stone Roses (1996)

Garage Flower / The Stone Roses (1996)
Label: Garage Flower Records (UK) GARAGE LP 1
Format: Vinyl, LP 

Credits: Produced by Martin Hannett
Engineered by Chris Nagle and John Hurst
Recorded at Strawberry Studios/Yellow Two

Vocals – Ian Brown
Bass – Pete Garner
Drums, Backing Vocals – Reni
Guitar – Andy Couzens, John Squire

All tracks originally written and performed in 1986. Track A2 re-recorded and re-released on the single "Sally Cinnamon", tracks A7 and B1 re-recorded and re-released on the album "Stone Roses" and tracks B3 and B4 released on the single "So Young"

A1: Getting Plenty  4:01
A2: Here It Comes  2:35
A3: Trust A Fox  3:00
A4: Tradjic Roundabout  3:10
A5: All I Want  3:34
A6: Heart On The Staves  3:18
A7: I Wanne Be Adored  3:25
B1: This Is The One  3:42
B2: Fall  2:46
B3: So Young  3:18
B4: Tell Me  3:52
B5: Haddock  0:10
B6: Just A Little Bit  3:04
B7: Mission Impossible  3:42

Produced by Martin Hannett。デビュー前の1986年に、Factory Recordsでお馴染みのStrawberry StudiosとYellow Twoで録音された。1986年はMartin Hannettは薬のせいかほとんど仕事をしていない時期で、彼ならではの凝った箇所も多々有るが、デビューアルバムのプロデュースを行ったJohn Leckieの音に慣れてしまっているせいか、本盤では方向を見誤っている様な出来映え。なお、"A2 - Here It Comes"は後の"Sally Cinnamon"。

Love Spreads / The Stone Roses (1994)

Love Spreads / The Stone Roses (1994)
Label: Geffen Records (UK) GFS 84
Format: Vinyl, 7" 

Credits: Produced, Engineered by Simon Dawson
Mixed by Bill Price
Artwork by John Squire

A: Love Spreads (LP Varsion)  5:48
B: Your Star Will Shine (LP Varsion)  2:58



Back In Your Life / Jonathan Richman & The Modern Lovers (1979)

Back In Your Life / Jonathan Richman & The Modern Lovers (1979) 
Label: Rhino Records (US) RNLP 70095
Format: Vinyl, LP, 1986 Reissue

Produced by Matthew King Kaufman, Glen Kolotkin, Kenny Laguna
Engineered by Glen Kolotkin
LP Concept by Flashing Neon
Cover Art by Linda Dennis/Jonathan Richman
Notes: 1979 Original - Beserkley Records (US) JBZ-0060

A1: Abdul And Cleopatra  3:18
A2: (She's Gonna) Respect Me  2:49
A3: Lover Please  1:58
A4: Affection  4:06
A5: Buzz Buzz Buzz  1:58
A6: Back In Your Life  2:14
B1: Party In The Woods Tonight  3:01
B2: My Love Is A Flower (Just Beginning To Bloom)  2:20
B3: I'm Nature's Mosquito  2:45
B4: Emaline  2:07
B5: Lydia  3:11
B6: I Hear You Calling Me  2:52

"Jonathan Richman & The Modern Lovers(1976)"から3枚目になる此の盤は、相変わらずの内容で昔に戻りたいとか蚊の唄とかで、キュンとなること必須。寒い午前中に日向ぼっこしながら聴くとイイ気分になり、ヒマな夕方聴くと何だか泣けてくる唄、12曲。

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