
Stations Of The Crass / Crass (1980)

Stations Of The Crass / Crass (1980)
Label: Crass Records (UK)
Catalog#: 521984
Format:  Vinyl, 2x12"LP

Credits: See Discogs

Sides 1/2/3 Recorded at Southern Studios, London, 11th August 1979. (45 RPM)
Side 4 recorded by Real Time at Pied Bull, Islington, London, 7th August 1979. (33 ⅓ RPM)

A1: Mother Earth
A2: White Punks On Hope
A3: You've Got Big Hands
A4: Darling (Vocals - Eve Libertine)
A5: System
A6: Big Man, Big M.A.N.
A7: Hurry Up Garry
B1: Fun Going On (Vocals - Pete Wright)
B2: Crutch Of Society
B3: Heard Too Much About
B4: Chairman Of The Bored
B5: Tired (Vocals - Pete Wright)
B6: Walls (Piano - G, Vocals - Joy De Vivre)
B7: Upright Citizen (Vocals - Pete Wright)
C1: The Gasman Cometh
C2: Demoncrats (Vocals - Eve Libertine)
C3: Contaminational Power
C4: Time Out
C5: I Ain't Thick, It's Just A Trick
D1: System
D2: Big Man, Big M.A.N.
D3: Banned From The Roxy
D4: Hurry Up Garry
D5: Time Out
D6: They've Got A Bomb
D7: Fight War, Not Wars
D8: Women (Vocals - Joy De Vivre)
D9: Shaved Women (Vocals - Eve Libertine)
D10: You Pay (Vocals - Pete Wright)
D11: Heard Too Much About
D12: Angels
D13: What A Shame
D14: So What
D15: G's Song
D16: Do They Owe Us A Living?
D17: Punk Is Dead

「Anarchy Peace and Freedom」もはや彼らの音楽に熱中する事は困難だが、うっかり20年近く忘れていた此の言葉だけは改めて心に刻もう。


Garista / Zoviet France (1985)

Garista / :$oviet:France: (1985)
Label: Singing Ringing (UK)
Catalog#: none
Format: Cassette, C60

Notes: Originally released in 1982
The cover is cloth backed by paper and was soaked in creosote, which created a strong odour, but now will have faded.

A1: Scrama Mdags
A2: Mosbas
A3: Mama Piss
A4: Nruknesh
A5: Caarcuraz
B1: M1 M1 M1
B2: Rangmabasm



Compulsion / Test Dept.(1983)

Compulsion / Test Dept.(1983)
Label: Some Bizzare (UK)
Catalog#: TEST 112, 818 020-6
Format: Vinyl, 12"(EP)

Credits: Produced by Test Dept, Flood, Trigger (A)
Produced by Kirk, Mallinder, Test Dept.
Design & Artwork by Alan Fish 
Engineered by P. Hardiman
Cover Photography by Chris Barclay

A: Compulsion (Machine Run)  5:10
B1: Pulsations 1 (Human Run)  4:59
B2: Pulsations 2 (Human Run)  5:46

メタルパーカッション(笑。流行ったなあ)。そんな彼らの1st Single。彼らのベストは、1984年南ウェールズでの炭鉱ストに関する慈善コンサート「FUEL TO FIGHT」での炭鉱夫達の聖歌隊と録音したアルバム「Shouder To Shoulder」があるが、此れが非常に良い。(聖歌隊のトラックが針飛びして断念した。)以外にもCabsと繋がりが有った様で、プロデュースとジャケが当時のCabsメンバー。


Bambi / Hajime Tachibana (1991)

Bambi / Hajime Tachibana (1991)
Label: Toshiba-EMI (Japan)
Catalog#: VS12-9012
Format: Vinyl, 12"(EP)

Credits: Produced by Hajime Tachibana & Towa Tei
Recorded by Mike Rogers (A1, A2), Arty Oganyan (B1) at D&D New York
Mix by Towa Tei
Art Direction & Design by Hajime Tachibana Design
Photograph by Steven Meisei

A1: Bambi  4:13
A2: Bambi (Fashion Photograph Mix)  4:54
A3: Bonus Bambi Groove  0:27
B1: XP (I Love You Mix)  5:54
      Written by Mark Mothersbaugh, Robert Williams
B2: Bonus Whistle Groove  3:16

Herbie Hancock "Wiggle Waggle"のサンプリングで如何にもテイ・トウワな仕上がりのタイトル曲だが、B1は此れと比べるとらしくないMark MothersbaughとRobert Williams。当時全く興味無かったんだが今となっては聴ける。つーかなんで持ってるんだろ。此れじゃなくてアトムのエッチング盤が欲しかったな。


Rising From The Red Sand (Volume One & Two) / Various (1982)

Rising From The Red Sand (Volume One & Two) / Various (1982)
Label: Third Mind Records (UK)
Catalog#: TMT 04, TMT 05
Format: Cassette

Volume One
A1: Chris & Cosey - Yes Know  5:57
A2: Attrition - The Visitor  3:35
A3: Legendary Pink Dots - Premonition 5  11:26
A4: Konstruktivits - Black On Black  5:10
A5: Pseudo Code - Missing Persons  3:00
B1: Nurse With Wound - The Strange Play Of The Mouth  8:45
B2: Sutcliffe Jügend - Slut Meat  5:20
B3: DDAA - King Deebo Is Six Tracks For A Kit  4:42
B4: Human Flesh - Accident  2:54
B5: John Hurst - Untitled  5:01
B6: Section 25 - In The Garden Of Eden  1:42

Volume Two
A1: Metamorphosis - Fire Gates  5:35
A2: Fan Tan - Dress Up  2:45
A3: Test Department - Gdansk  6:24
A4: Nocturnal Emissions - Smear Campaign  3:50
A5: Portion Control - Bite My Head  3:12
A6: Lustmord - At Thee Mountains Of Madness  5:22
A7: Tone Death - Song Of The Flame  3:08
B1: Un Departement - A La Surface  2:40
B2: Scram Ju Ju - Big Beyond  3:42
B3: Section 25 - Cry  4:21
B4: Attrition - Black Death  4:00
B5: Five Or Six - Aroma  3:27
B6: Chris & Cosey - Look Down  3:20
B7: Nurse With Wound - Someone Others Garden  7:34



Physical Evidence / NON (1982)

Physical Evidence / NON (1982)
Label: Mute Records Ltd (UK)
Catalog#: STUMM 10
Format: Vinyl, LP(Mono)

Credits: Correct playback possible only at maximum volume only
Assistance With Location Recording by Daniel Miller, Frank Fenstermacher, Genesis P.Orridge, Steve Thomsen
Recorded live at Kelbos in Los Angeles, SO36 in Berlin, The Film Makers Co-op in London, Bains Douches in Paris, Ratinger Hof in Dusseldorf and the Whiskey A Go-Go in Hollywood (1977 - 1982) 

A1: The Surface Runs Deep
A2: Going, Going, Gone
A3: Into Thin Air
A4: Defenestration
A5: Opening
B1: There
B2: That's That
B3: In The Room
B4: Physical Evidence
B5: Man Kills Self While Cleaning Gun
B6: Inside Out
B7: Carnis Vale

NON: Boyd Riceはミュージシャンの他、The Church Of Satanの司祭や俳優と、多才なのか自己顕示欲が強いだけなのか不明だが、此のジャンルでは珍しい個性である。彼の盤は此れのみ所有しているが、そんな人となりに反して音はストレートなノイズで聴きやすくあまり個性が無い。往々にしてノイズミュージシャンはストイックなのだが、其れが逆に凡庸に成りがちな場合も多い。やはり"Merzbow"や"Whitehouse"は別格だな。


Sleepless / King Crimson (1984)

Sleepless / King Crimson (1984)
Label: E'G Records, Warner Bros. Records (US)
Catalog#: 20193-0 A
Format: Vinyl, 12"(Single)

Credits: Produced by King Crimson
Mixed by Francois Kevorkian
Engineered by Brad Davis, John Potoker 
Cover Art by Brad Davis

A: Sleepless (Dance Mix) 7:07
B: Sleepless (Instrumental Mix) 5:45

恐らくは彼ら初の12inch Single。Mixは此の頃多忙だったFrancois K。当時のオレはAdrian Belewの居るKCなど見向きもしなかったが。


Life In Tokyo / Japan (1982)

Life In Tokyo / Japan (1982)
Label: Hansa (UK)
Catalog#: HANSA 17
Format: Vinyl, 7"(Single)

Produced by Giorgio Moroder 
Written by David Sylvian, Giorgio Moroder
Photography by Yuka Fujii
Sleeve Design by Mulligan, Sylvian 

A: Life In Tokyo (Special Remix)
   Remix by Japan
B: Life In Tokyo (Theme)

Bass/Mick Karnは現在進行性の癌と診断されその治療に専念しています。
http://www.mickkarn.net/ にて寄付および応援メッセージを受け付けていて、メッセージは日本語でも可とのことなので、過去に彼または彼らの音楽に恩恵を受けた事のある人は、是非リアクションをお願いします。

Rooms With Brittle Views / Bill Nelson (1980)

Rooms With Brittle Views / Bill Nelson (1980)
Label: Les Disques Du Crépuscule (Belgium)
Catalog#: TWI 013
Format: Vinyl, 7"

Produced and Recorded by Bill Nelson
Artwork by Benoit Hennebert 
Notes: Two different sleeve designs exist for this release

A: Rooms With Brittle Views
B: Dada Guitare

グラムを経てニューウェイヴのプロトタイプとなり、テクノポップからアンビエントと時代の少し前を歩いていた才人で、Jean Cocteauを敬愛するモダニスト。Quiet Man: John Foxx と1歳違いというのが興味深い。Crépuscule より唯一リリースのシングル。


Nagasaki Nightmare / Crass (1980)

Nagasaki Nightmare / Crass (1980)
Label: Crass Records (UK)
Catalog#: 421984/5
Format: Vinyl, 7"

Credits: Discogs
Notes: Photo of Patch: from Discogs

A: Nagasaki Nightmare
B: Big A Little A



Mohnomishe / Zoviet France (1983)

Mohnomishe / Zoviet France (1983)
Label: Red Rhino Records (UK)
Catalog#: REDLP 40
Format: 2 x Vinyl, LP

Notes: Composed and Performed by Ben Ponton, Peter Jensen
Produced by Ben Ponton, Peter Jensen, Robin Storey

Limited first edition with silver/dark-green labels. The images are silkscreened on a thick, heavy craftboard (actually, 2 pieces of tan hardboard/Masonite), bound with a red cord.
Limited second edition with dark-green/light-green labels 
and slightly different coloured plates and cord, 
plus the addition of 'Screaming Red Music' on labels.

A1: Untitled
A2: Untitled
A3: Untitled
B1: Untitled
B2: Untitled
C1: Untitled
C2: Untitled
D: Untitled



Auto-Da-Fé / S.P.K. (1983)

Auto-Da-Fé / S.P.K. (1983)
Label: Walter Ulbricht Schallfolien (Germany)
Catalog#: WULP 002
Format: Vinyl, LP

Side A originally released on various singles in 1979.
Side B new studio recordings for this LP made in 1981.

First 1000 copies had a blue/grey cover which was replaced as the group seemed unhappy with it.
Second press had a postcard with the tracklist printed on it.

A1: Kontakt
A2: Germanik
A3: Mekano
A4: Retard
A5: Slogun
B1: Metall Field
B2: Walking On Dead Steps
B3: A Heart That Breaks In No Time Or Place

現代のロック及びポップミュージックの範疇において、ノイズミュージックに関しては日本が礎を創ったと考えるのだが、もう存在しないオーストラリア出身の彼らもまた、今だ最高峰のバンドの一つである。"Throbbing Gristle"は愛聴していたが、そのIndustrial Recordsから再発されたシングル(A3, A5)に驚愕し、カセットテープでリリースされたライヴでノックアウトされ、さらに其れ以上ラディカルなアプローチの"Whitehouse"アンビエントでジャケットアートワークが素晴らしい"Zoviet France"等、数々のノイズミュージックに心酔していった。(因みにメールアートというアートスタイルと平行してカセットテープのリリースが多かったので、そのほとんどが把握出来なかったが。)SPKはその後メジャーへ移行、音楽的にもポップな方向にシフトした事でノイズファンからブーイングを浴びたが、オレは12 inch Singleを良く聴いていた。流石に今はハーシュノイズを聴こうとは滅多に思わないが、初期のシングルを含む此のコンピレーションのA面は度々愛聴している。

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